Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I Need A Disconnection Letter

Behold and be amazed

+ + + NEWS + + NEWS + + NEWS + + +
Man, how cool is that. And why has actually told me no? When Mike (my coach in Germany) is a speaker for testing the DKenB now, I'm looking so no problems ^ ^ plays what he wrote back ^ ^.
Who now has no idea of what I just advertise here, please read the first by the report. Maybe it will clear ^ ^
+ + + + END OF NEWS + + + +

is available before you (well, now you've got to imagine that I stand before you, okay? Get her back it? Good) So, before you stands a newly baked FIRST KYU!!
If that does not say anything now, and there are probably many of you, here is a brief explanation. First Kyu is the ranking before the first Dan! Speaking of first Dan, if I'm lucky, can I make the still, while I'm here ôô But more on that later.

So, now I'm first kyu. * * FähnchenschwenkunddazuimKreisrumtanzobwohlessiebenUhrfrühamMorgenist And as you may remember, you have to actually exist for a test and I have told you nothing of a test, right? And I can not even apologize! Funny? I also find * gg * knew from the test I absolutely nothing until they have told me the result. Now you are still confused? If you had your time to see me, than to me about it! But perhaps I should rather start from scratch, I must still mention the television. Confused again? Good. * Gg *
(Ha, I am master of people confuse * ggg *)

I had not written in the last report that I once gave a stint with another workout. The next day I was invited to a training session, which took place yesterday. The only information I got was that there should be a Shiai training. Shiai means in German competition. I am not a fan Shiai, but a training one can join. For the time where I participate in a competition but gg * *
So I was picked up by Mr Date, and on the way out he told me about the progress of the training. That was the first surprise. The fact that a reporter from the newspaper would also be there, was the second surprise. And then we arrived and I suddenly had a television camera in front of me. Oo and later two, and get a couple of photo cameras!
I mean, a little something I'm already used to, but it took me then somehow irritate me. Especially during the actual training. Then came even more complicated by that I did not always understand what we should do now as an exercise. Accordingly, I found my performance not just high-profile. Somehow it was all very confusing. Someone wanted something from me constantly.
Before training there were a few small speeches (which were also filmed already, hmm, I had to say because something? I can not remember anymore) and I have a shinai (as a bamboo sword), a bokken (wooden sword ) presents with my name on it (!) and various documents. Do not ask me why, I feel even as nothing special, but the Japanese can make a mountain out of an elephant. Hey, at least at the time I was still fifth kyu, which is nothing. And then overwhelm me with so many things that I've earned but not yet. Oh, you must have just like the Japanese mentality. They are soo friendly people!
Back Training. It was actually relatively quickly over, and already I was taken from the waiting reporters in hardware. I had to give an interview. In Japanese! And I've managed to get into Japanese! (Okay, I had to ask once or twice, but otherwise it went quite good ^ ^) And who could not get enough of me, even though they have politely asked their questions one after all ^ ^ One was even at the very end, where everything was already over, and wanted to ask a question (but I had to fast with the Sensei, so I before meals or showers could. But I getting ahead of myself.)
After the interview, it was then that "Shiai training. I put it in quotes because it was not really any training, but rather a demonstration. A show with me as the protagonist. Had I known that before.
the beginning of the Sensei said nor what were five people in the end it only three. Should I fight against three people in a row without a break. Thank God only a maximum of two minutes. How long can be two minutes. (And how quickly we forget that the whole thing still goes on time * gg *)
Through the hustle and bustle I've always looked at the very last moment, which actually just was going on. I stood mine, just up all our questions and answer questions, and then suddenly have looked the enemy in the eye. But it is a sweet enemy, an elementary school student was the gg * * I then also defeated two to one. (Hmm, my second Shiai win in my life. And this against a primary school. Can we be happy? * Gg * Hmm, I think so. After all, I have almost no Shiai practice.) The second fight I lost, zero to one. He was, I believe, even against a primary school. Be it granted to him. I was really in the moment a little inattentive. It is a bit difficult to fight against children in Shihai. They can give their best, but you yourself? Man himself it must also, somehow, and therein lies the difficulty. ^ ^ Or I'm just a mountain out of an elephant. (Hmm, this saying we already had. Memo to me, next time be more creative.)
The third fight, against a student in the eleventh grade, was a draw (0-0) made. I was a bit tired and therefore quite satisfied with the result. Later I learned that my opponent has been the third Dan. Since I was very surprised and even happier that I have fought so well against them ^ ^
And because the training was over. When I was
final Abgrüßen beiläufigerweise then explained so that the I Kyu first existed. I have not even understood, but I had not been interrogated. They have given me the first Kyu!
And then I had to pack my things quickly, but there was still a reporter who had a question, and I really wanted to just drink some, but the Sensei has been waiting, and I wanted to shower before they went to dinner (Eating it was after training even in a small convivial round). It was all pretty chaotic, and in between has been forgotten even a shinai (again found, but the same evening).
The food was very good by the way, but as I had before the training already taken a small thing to me, I had unfortunately not so great Hunger. For that I got wrapped up taking the rest home with me and has to make today do not worry about the food.
In this small company (or even the whole night) I've noticed that my Japanese is still become something better, something I've pretty well understood. And talk in simple sentences is also quite good. And I try to use more polite phrases. I forget too often.
When I was finally alone at home, I first really realized what had happened that night all. And then I had to cry a little einbißchen and wave their arms.
And then I could not sleep, as far too much adrenaline in my Bloodstream (ha, sent circumvented the veins-venous problems ^ ^) flowed. Since I had to calm myself first with quiet music. I think I've even managed to sleep a little. Until I woke up from my own cough, and aufblieb. Warm milk with honey is then brought nothing. The film does not. And when it was light outside again, then I decided earlier today to get up and go to college. And now I'm sitting here since half past five (!) And you report last evening, which expired so confusing, but it was kinda nice. After all, I am now the first kyu. Now I must only explain the types of DKenB and get a retroactive permit from him. But I think this is not a very big problem.
And if they do, I will pull out all that are available to me, set in motion. And if that does not help, I put on my puppy dog eyes. Those who know him know about its effect.

Oh, and then said the sensei yet, maybe in August that I could make the first Dan. Actually, although I have no time and I do not know if it was the DKenB plays along, but if I'm lucky, I'll try of course. If they say Sensei (including two seventh Dan) that I can do it, then I must try it! And the time I am going to take even somehow. Now I'm just a little Concern Wegemer the written test.

So, that was it but now really. Now you are allowed to open a bottle of champagne for me and toast to my health.

way, I am animal to come back to Germany and all of you again. I miss you, I miss the beautiful landscapes in Germany and also the beautiful cities. (Yes, Germany's cities are beautiful, you say, let the times, from one who took off his world uh these islands there to explore ^ ^) {report was written yesterday}

Until next time, your

Monday, July 7, 2008

Gowns For Rent Makati

are soundproofed Japanese restaurants anyway?

My home last week two Weekends, so go to sets on a longer report. Let's start with the first of two weekends. Since there was again a party with my Kendo Club. (But do not think I'm just party, this is only on weekends so * gg *) That was an official party where we all (white) in a suit (black) and shirt had to compete. The first time I've even felt like at a funeral. I also understand that etiquette is not about the buttons. Normally, one buttoned his jacket on but when you sit down to prevent pulling. And when you stand up, makes them all again. But here are somehow always have the bottom button on, and all else closed. Perhaps this Seiza it on, and the fact that they get up at such a party so often and walk around, it is usually with a glass in one hand and a bottle in the other. Do not get me wrong, these are not drinkers who even if they do not sit at the table, do not get away from her bottle. No, you go out with glass and bottle to other people, sits down and then drinks, usually together. And it gives to the texture of each other. Because out for himself alone, that's a no-go (in German, which is not at all times). I have the party on the second of the evening (there are always two parties, unless you get drunk on the first too much, then you should go to the home) and already I was trying the bottle literally from Omori-sensei pulled out of the hand.

Somehow this custom very nice, but it has two major disadvantages. You must drink when one is poured out, and usually one is poured out like when your glass is empty, or, as we found more when sung (but this is again a story in itself). And the second drawback is you have to wait that one is poured out, if you want to drink. This is bad in the sense that if you really want to drink, but think the bystanders, no, the foreign girls, we would rather not pay, the foreigners are not accustomed to this practice, rather not force them. (Although I call the away, had much to tolerate. And I do not tolerate so much, I know stop just where my limits. And, as I said, yes, they urge me not to drink alcohol. Not like the first half at least. THE few things must be so empty.).

The reason why I always write so much about drinking (and my family ready for a week in shock * gg * but how bad their dear little Janina) is not because I'm here in Japan give me the alcohol. Do not worry, I do not drink more than I would do it in Germany. It's just that the drinking culture here is so different from our and thus for me as interesting to write about. I Think about it, everyone knows how we celebrate in Germany Sun But none of you (except the Japanese, etc.) has a clue how to party here in Japan. By now I know how it looks a celebration, and yet I am still fascinated about it. Why always these detailed reports of my party adventures. The most recent took place yesterday evening spontaneously by the way, so I'm still not gone to college tomorrow. was not due to a hangover, but because the day was so long and I sleep. It was always just a math lecture that I missed. But I have to tonight probably take a little extra shift, so I make up for all that today I had imagined. Long-awaited Reports (not just this one) write, for example.

Back to the weekend. On Sunday, I should keep my first German lesson, a teacher, mind you. And of course I was late (as in my case, it should also be different, somehow, I am incorrigible in this respect). Actually I had set up on a handful of students, but then sat in the room a whole class of middle school. And where I should teach German. So now is not the whole of German grammar (that would also become a bit difficult in the period of fifty minutes), but only as the most important phrases and how to present ourselves. In fact, when those in the short Time pretty much told I must say. We were even on the topic vs. you. You talk. Hisai-San has helped me quite. But I think, so bad I was not. Now I just hope that the children have retained at least a little. Things really soon (or already are) go to Germany for some time and live with a German host family. It occurred to me that to teach the family a bit more Japanese than German children. Because if you do not understand each other and then also come from such different cultures, is not exactly easy. Especially because the Japanese kids are so shy.

On the evening of same day was I with my best friends, food, Japanese Italian. Oh man, the food was good, especially the dessert. Incidentally, it was Tabehodai say I no longer need, right? And then had the ever so good coffee (I want the same coffee !!!), which I drank two cups. What I would prefer not to do, but because I wanted to see the final of Germany against Spain that night. The good thing about Japan, they have transferred to the finals on TV. The bad thing was, it ran at half past four in the night. That was pretty hard. First of all I was able to sleep because of the coffee and then I had not almost two and a half hours will get up to go to peace, which I with him and Bruce, a Scot, had seen the final. And as I have once again realized how fast it can go ninety minutes passed and it's getting light outside. Unfortunately, the finale was not quite so good for Germany.

Back at home I am still a bit down on the ear, after I have such an hour or rolled in the bed and was wondering if I sleep now, or the time to spend but rather useful. Just before my deadline was reached inside of seven clock, I went to sleep yet. But two hours later I had to get up again. That was not nice. During the day I was not so well on it. And that was not just the few Sleep, but also to the sunstroke, which I had probably taken the previous Sunday. Most particularly the training I've noticed that when I was totally exhausted, and the first after the Kirikaeshi. And Tuesday there was no better. But somehow I feel most often when I'm struck a bit better after training than before. Is it the endorphins? If so, I find it great. But I also wonder if it is almost too sick to go training. Probably not. What the doctors say of you? Although, doctors always say only that which will not hear you.

On Wednesday I was invited to train at another dojo. Funny enough, then a teacher of the Ehime University was there, the occasional also with us mittrainiert in the dojo. So there was someone who could introduce myself properly. First there were technical training, which made me quite out of breath (hmm, perhaps I was something else posted by my sun-stroke, although I did actually again felt quite healthy. Because I realize I have a lot lately problems added to my physical fitness. I guess I'm just not used to the climate here, and my body to do all kinds of it, to get around. And then I go work out yet, what an outrage. You have to go somewhere and do it again limp.). Where were we? Oh, and during training. During training, incidentally, were also children, of primary school age. Full sweet. And they were fitter than me! While the adults were given as a breather, there had to walk across the hall! And also suggest any other boot. But no one grumbled and all have given their best! As you can see again the difference between German and Japanese children, and German and Japanese culture. Somehow it's already admirable.

After the technical training course there was the free fighting, and where I had only two-three times a fight, I fought that evening with six different people. They have even employed by me! Whoa, was that exhausting. I had to twice take a break, because I would not have otherwise sustained. But it was instructive in any case. Even if my way of a kendo sensei teaches not like. That is this, if you do not exactly right, I stand before you like a wall and push them back up easily - Art Since you really have the feeling that one runs into a wall. Or worse, a wall that runs back. What I mean is when all our efforts on someone tapers, but the up (because he is simply bigger and stronger) simply block out and it comes back, that's pretty exhausting. It will be stopped in the middle of its course and then also, as I said, pushed back, resulting in a considerable burden for the body, which is actually in the forward movement. I like this kind is not easy. Some do it to arouse the fighting spirit of the other. But this method does not works with me, then I will rather stop immediately and I am glad when it's over.

But then the Sensei still done something cool. He has shown me jodan. How to fight it and how to fight it. I had previously considered before, if I should not eventually begin to fight in the future Jodan (although I'm so small). Maybe its on me closer. And now I have experienced times like this is so. But until I finally decide, will still take a little time. Because this is a pretty drastic decision. Finally, you can choose the fighting style, which you will put it well for a very long time.

And now, I think I should at least try to explain to the conclusion, which is Jodan. So, Jodan is a certain type, how to fight, rather say, how to hold his sword. Usually, we keep the sword in front of him, that's the "normal" Kamae (kamae = starting position). But there are still a few others. In one, for example, can you handle the sword behind his back, so that the opponent can not see it. This Kamae ", however, in today's kendo only at one of the kata (sequences of beat). The two Kamae, which are used today are the "normal" and containing Jodan Kamae. Jodan at a slight angle, keep to the sword over his head and has the left foot forward (and runs into the hit from his right foot). Supposedly, but I have to ask me, this is a battle position, which is rather large for fighters. (For that reason, I also ask if I'm too small for Jodan.)

After the training, as you can imagine, I was pretty down. And my right foot hurt by Jodan, because I was not used to jumping with the right. But somehow it has been fun. Why so what the heck is only fun in retrospect?

On Friday, I wanted a dragon. I mean, I still want to have a dragon. But on Friday, the desire was particularly strong. And I'm talking about any fabric or a dragon figure in the shape of a dragon, no, I mean a lively dragon with wings, horns, scales and claws. Prefer a shoulder dragon, so I can keep him in my apartment. I would hatch a dragon egg, and then when the dragon is hatched, I go every day for a walk. Why only there are no real dragons? That would be soo cool!

Can not a biologist out there in the world, one for I breed? I always pass on to him.

And now you say I am completely determined by shot for * ggg * But I still want a dragon.

On Saturday I talked with Julia about what we eat when we are back in Germany. I want to eat apples! Good, tasty German apples also taste like apple. You may also like something smaller and not have such a beautiful red color. The main thing, they taste like apple. Julia is the way to eat a kebab, after all, it comes from Berlin.

Saturday morning, I was, as always, even during training. But despite temperatures around thirty degrees this time I came along really well. The sun-stroke appears to be overcome. Now I hope it stays that way and I no longer cared to take me must not once again because my body wants to join. I think that's quite a tightrope walk. On the one hand, I know I probably should all cut back a bit because my body is not accustomed or not containing grad fit. On the other hand, I am strongly determined to give my best at all times, regardless of what I do to my body so. But if I always do my best, I am totally exhausted after a short time and can almost not go on. Is not it better to give from the very beginning, perhaps only 80 percent, and this then hold on, as from the beginning to be quite exhausted? What is the best strategy?

And then we arrived on Sunday, so yesterday. There was a team tournament (of course Kendo) in Kochi, on which I rode along. Hey, we talk about Kendo, I had to. Although I pretty much regretted it in the meantime. It was hot and I had headaches all the time. But I have seen many interesting fights. The boys have unfortunately not won, but lost it in the semifinals against the winner (after a very hard fight). By the way, has won Matsuyama University. Which are quite strong but also pretty rough. (Okay, these guys are, too often.) Ehrlich I said, I like such a fighting style, but seem to get through it better. Well, I've also (thank Bernd) the ideal in my head of a beautiful kendo, and not on a winning Kendo.

And in the evening we were drinking was spontaneous, but I've already mentioned.

And because I'm already on the fourth side, I hear today on the report. From today there is talk about that is really nothing. Today I was not even in training, because this morning I've slept so long ^ ^ Yeah, punishment is required.

But one thing I can tell yet. I have, after careful consideration decided at the summer course in August to participate. If I have understood correctly, it will be this time five days. I just hope that I will hold the. But that would just be the perfect end for my Kendo training here in Japan. And before I think because of the FP II no time to train in Germany, I train stop before a little bit more. Good idea, right? And now I'm already on it somehow. (And forget the history because it was pretty exhausting the last time * lol *) I can do it, definitely.

So, it makes good

your Janina

Hmm, already become a report to acting almost exclusively in Kendo. And now I realize that I forgot to visit the factory on Wednesday quite where we visited a factory and even on the factory floor, where in addition to including tractors were assembled, were allowed. Was somehow pretty cool. The first time I was in a factory. So far I've only ever seen something like that in consignment with the mouse.

Okay, now that's it really. Bye!