Monday, August 25, 2008
Prescription Dog Sedative
This report will not be long because I actually have no time.
The rest of the time in Tokyo was interesting, but only sometimes a little lonely. Next time I'll have a boyfriend (or girlfriend) with. I must, once again to Tokyo, because I've obviously not been able to go to the fish market. My bed was then I would rather (and staying up until then, the plan failed, surprisingly * gg *).
most part, I've really only bought in Tokyo * gg * even if I have a bit of culture I also looked (I have found another favorite shrine ^ ^). Tokyo is really cool anyway, only rather large, very large. A strange feeling.
I'm back with the night bus. That was once an experience. I did not sleep well, but who would have to expect? At least I've now been through all means of transport times. Bus day, buses in the night, train, express train, the Shinkansen (the Japanese ICE), motorcycle, car, ship day, ship and aircraft in the night. But you have to imitate me first!
And with this I say goodbye ever from here. The next entry will come back from Germany, because I plan in the next week not to go back online. Also the next week eh not so interesting, I have to clean up my apartment and pack clean, (we have many things I o_O Where are the only all?), meeting friends, important people say thank you, pay bills, do the last few errands and then there's already Friday. So stress without end! In case of emergency
can write to her at the following email address (which is valid until Friday at noon local time):
This is my mobile email address. Otherwise, I ask you you to wait until I'm back in Munster, it takes so long no longer * gg *
And until then, ye can not ever think about what you want to set before me in good German cuisine * gg * Dad, from you I want a decent dinner, especially with delicious sausages and great cheese!
Mama, you can already get even color, my hair has the urgent need. And I'm looking forward to visiting with you grandma. ^ _ ^
So, that's about it from Japan. The year is over and I go with a crying and a laughing eye back home. It was a good year, maybe the best year in my life so far. I will have missed a minute of it.
your Janina
Friday, August 22, 2008
Caring Quotes For Cancer
Things to do in Tokyo mainly doing is shopping. Today I started it a bit and I bought a pair of sandals and a stuffed animal (there were at least the major purchases yet). As far as I
've actually done all I wanted to know what to do. (Except for Nikko, but I can save for the next to Tokyo, I'm not in the mood for temples and shrines at the moment.) Now I do not really know what to make the remaining one and a half days. It is one thing that I want to do yet, and that is to visit the fish market. But it must get up early and now it is again after a clock at night and actually I'm pretty tired (I should have stayed in the bathroom) and the fish market, you should still go there quite early. Whether I've made it really, I'll tell you then in the next report.
visit Kyoto was only pretty good, would be here in Tokyo there with friends a lot better, more fun. But since I can not now turn change. I'm trying to enjoy my time here as much as possible, but secretly I'm looking forward again to Matsuyama.
Tokyo Tokyo is big and has many faces, many faces! It is crazy. I can not even describe it, like Tokyo. I have mine, every single area the feel of downtown Manhattan, and Downtown Manhattan is already large. And no matter where you get off the subway, expects a first, a bunch of people and secondly, a different world, compared with the one you have just left. Sometimes I wonder how people can live here. Not because it is so bad, but as they get organized, her life here. As they To create with all the lights around them do not go mad.
Whether I could live in Tokyo rather not, I think. There is too much, too many places you can visit one of many restaurants, where you can eat, too many shops where you can buy.
I am well on the way champions in the U-Bahn ride. So if you ever perplexed in Tokyo and is no longer know which train you shall go now, then you can calm you contact me. Today I would
way almost did not come back to the hostel, because the cars to stop driving here so early. What am so very surprised at such a large city but you should assume that the railways travel around the Clock. I would set up the so yes at least every hour or so. But do not stop completely. In Japan there are also people who would work at night for extra determined, as I'm sure. They've also everywhere else 24-hour matters.
The easiest way would probably now to stay up to five clock, then to the fish market and back to sleep yet another round.
'll see if I succeed in doing this.
Bye, Janina
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
How To Recover From Pleurisy
Yes, I am now in Tokyo, in this vast city, which actually consists of many cities (because Tokyo is not really a city, or not all this city, but it does not matter.). Tokyo is soo great, that one's big city feel not sufficient. Maybe that's just as well. It should live here by the way around your 15 million people here, just so the info.
I wanted to get up this morning really early (again) and then cozy with the Shinkansen to Tokyo. By morning it was not really what I was just too ready by the last few days. So I heard it this morning addressed very quiet, which was definitely the better idea. The plan, which was Shinkansenzu drive, but not discarded, but successfully implemented in practice. Driving with the Shinkansen, is so pleasant, even if one finds only in the smoking section to be seated.
have arrived in Tokyo I first drove towards Hostel and then I went with a quick stop at a noodle shop (I wanted ramen eating lunch today) also arrived there, and earlier I should not have come, so it was good that I this morning a little longer in bed I stayed. (Hey, cool to have even the German keyboard inside, now I can again write umlauts and the Z is in the right place ^ ^)
This afternoon I am running around all the time in Akihabara (the city's electrical goods) and many interesting things I saw ...
I wants to buy here in Japan the PSP, and now I'm wondering about whether I should buy it already here in Tokyo, or when I'm back in Matsuyama. The PSP is something like the Game Boy, btw.
In Book Off (Second-hand store for all kinds of things, not just books), I have two CDs found ^ ^ must now wait for me but until I'm back in Matsuyama, in order to listen to * gg *
So, that was today day. Not much happened, but this trip should not be so stressful.
I am also so excited to Tokyo to make unsafe.
If you have a look for ages by the way looked back here, then do not forget the reports of the last two days to read. When traveling, I have to report any more possible for me, as I have it at home * gg *
Goodbye, and is ever the Cold champagne or so, I'll be back soon. And I intend to visit some of you! ^ _ ^
your Janina
PS: I Dared by the way post comments. I receive emails at this time.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I Want Market Stall Insurance
I am traveling, more precisely on the way to Tokyo. Today was pretty crazy. (Hey, the English keyboard is back.) Half day am rumgereist I in some trains (the other half I have the biggest castle seen in Japan, but somehow I was disappointed a bit, no idea why) and which in Japan simply does not. The Japanese railway network traffic is in fact far from uniform. I mean, what I mean is, there are a thousand railway company here in Japan. This makes the transfer a bit cumbersome. Now I know why I go there only after six months have started living in Japan alone by train. Okay, at major railway stations (well, for smaller and a bit), everything is somehow in English. But still it is very difficult to navigate. It helps if one has a bit of practice with Japanese characteristics. * Gg *
I am this morning got up at half past seven. That means I'm about twelve hours on their feet, and I mean that literally! And today was a relatively quiet day. But actually I'm not going to address the next few days somehow stressful. I do everything with my pace. Thus, the efficiency the greatest. (Sorry, my German is, after ten months, become a little rusty. But I could with you a few words to exchange Japanese, if you want. Yesterday I was pretty well beaten * gg * And the course also, and in general. It is not perfect and certainly would need at least another year to be reasonably good, but I'm quite happy.)
I can not mention it often enough, the service is awesome country of Japan. This morning, when I bought my ticket, the railway officials had SOOO a mega patience with me, it does not exist. I had actually picked out namely the driving routes from the Internet, associated with the prices. (Plan was, in the morning from Matsuyama to Himeji Castle and evening visit to Kobe (because I had booked because the hostel). The next day was from Kobe to Tokyo. And the ticket to Kobe, I wanted to get in Himeji.) Then the good railway officials but said that it would be better if I redeem the same a ticket from Matsuyama to Tokyo. That would be cheaper than two tickets. And in addition to the normal ticket I would have to then only tickets for Sonderzuege (express train, Schinkansen) now. So completely but I did not get it, and have asked a thousand times, and he has responded well to me a thousand times the same, and continuously on a map showed something. The problem was, because I did not know if I wanted to also take the evening Schinkansen, or not. And at all. I certainly was quite confused. (As much as you're probably after this text), but the love train explained it to me until I had it figured to some extent. And as I sat on the train, then everything has made sense.
The problem for me was that I had not realized that I can get off with it a ticket to Tokyo in between! And can then continue the next day even with this Kahrte. And all I needed to have that extra tickets were for the Sonderzuege.
I'm not just something used to from Germany and needed no doubt why so long to get around this in my head.
Castle in Himeji certainly worth a visit, but probably more interesting if it is not alone in viewing. It can be seen quite a bit, I must say. You spend as even a few hours if you go anywhere. I've still managed to go to the adjacent art museum, and there to see the current special exhibition. She was small, but one of the most brilliant shows I have ever visited!
A couple of items I would have at once taken home.
So, and now I'm here in Kobe in a very nice hostel and somehow it would be really cool if I have more than just the night could stay here, but my goal is yes Tokyo. I'm curious to see if I like Tokyo, whether Tokyo is soo great that I forget a little that I next week Japan already and my friends have to leave here.
Last night, after the super delicious sushi dinner with my friend (who will visit me in Germany! YEAH!) I've yet to meet with my two fellow students, because Jiro is on Sunday to go to Osaka and If we had yesterday not again taken, we would have had no opportunity to do so. We were only in a very nice bar and then the last time singing karaoke together. And the evening was just great. But when I then had to leave for the second time that day by a dear friend, was not that just great. And now when I think back, I get sad.
It is insane how much I grew fond of these people are. I simply have again returned to Japan, I want to see my friends again.
was maybe the whole year abroad not such a good idea ...
Let's see if I will again tomorrow can keep up to date. We will see or not.
Be well, at least until I'm back.
your Janina
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Streap Tease De Mickie James Divas
You may congratulate me, I have the examination for the first Dan (for all who do not know, this is the first black belt) existed in Japan. Now you are allowed to give me more * gg *
I think somehow I have not yet understood properly. But in recent weeks (hence the somewhat neglected reporting) everything went topsy-somehow about it, and sometimes I did not know I'm coming or going. But then I am even now not sure where the top is straight. Somewhere halfway between Germany and Japan.
I will not leave here. I want to do more with my friends. I miss them even now! This departure is much worse, because I do not know if I see all these people all back again will. A year ago, it was clear that I come back, everything is just on time. But now that time has expired and I wish I would have still used a little better. From the beginning, lived the way I've done in recent weeks. No minutes left unused. But most likely you will experience the time close to one end, really intense than before months.
And whenever I think of it that I am no longer here soon and all this might see the last time I get sad and tears rise in her eyes.
On Saturday my Kendo Club has given me a surprise party. I knew that there will be a farewell party, but not that it will be for me. And they all have thanked me, and I really do not know why.
And already I'm starting to cry again.
I wish I could take it all. I wish I could tell them how much I have. (Even the ones I sometimes do not like it * gg *)
And Congratulations I've got, and gifts, and a large map, have written to all the what. And as I've read all this in a quiet moment, I cried the first time. In that I must leave all.
I always had something special in this group, simply because I am a foreigner. In Japan, one is something special when you are foreigner. As a result I always had a bit of free rein. But nevertheless I have always tried to be a part of the group. And I think part of it I succeeded. The farewell party has proved it. I had them then but not so no matter ^ ^
Whenever I was asked, what's my favorite memory of Japan, I replied that it is the people I met here. And immediately afterwards came Kendo. No wonder that my kendo people are so important =) I wish I could train longer with them. I wish I could still get to know a little bit better. I wish I could cook them the food that I cook them all the time wanted to (at least the girls ^ ^)
kendo here in Japan I will miss my friends probably find it most.
A friend once said, I am more Kendo Crazy, I think. I think he's right.
In the three years since that I do Kendo, it has become an important part of my life. And I do not know what it has accomplished. It is really only a sport. Or?
provides for non-Japanese Kendo from pretty exotic, I think, and many will not understand quite certain why they are sometimes all that is doing (because it is simply not a Sunday walk, and can sometimes go up to your limits. Blistered hands and feet are small because usually the problem.). And sometimes even I do not know why I'm doing to me all that. But when I go for a nice workout with friends or spend a little time and am just happy that's enough for me as a reason to keep going. So far anyway ^ ^
Here in Japan I've now and then my current limitations experienced, especially now in summer. And yet I keep going. Kendo is the first sport where I want to really improve, and where I do my best (most of the time ^ ^). I can not imagine quitting kendo.
Good thing I'm crazy by nature, otherwise I would have to be crazy for Kendo. ^ ^ And now
times, so you do not have to endure my sentimental ramblings on, even a (hopefully) brief insight into the world of Danprüfungen in Japan, and also as a participant. I have something that is frustrating not seen in a long time.
The morning began to thank God so that we no early training had. (Hmm, perhaps I should mention that all of the Kendo Club was begun last Wednesday at her summer course, I included. In this connection, also the farewell party held.) Otherwise I would have to do it before breakfast again 500 Suburi, and then a few more laps to run. (During the race I was always first to the tenth round, but really warm and was able to increase my pace, but unfortunately it was at this time all the other long since finished * gg * But more on that maybe some other time. A course I've ever described .) However, I was awakened this morning at five. Had to get up but not the same. The first sporting
Activity was then seven, then as a group, who were in the youth house (with lots of sports facilities) in Ozu as guests, who gathered in the square in front of the house. First was raised under the musical accompaniment of the national anthem (in Japanese of course) the flags, then droning piano moves more or less (which was then the exercise) and finally introduced himself to each group. So, all as always. Well, our captain has been at the presentation then apologized that it was the night before was a little loud from our side, * gg *
breakfast had to go pretty quickly because we were picked up at eight. (We, that was Chihiro and me. Chihiro has made the examination for the fourth Dan and passed.) Accordingly, we could hardly even say goodbye. Promptly at nine o'clock we arrived back in Matsuyama in large Budohalle. And so slowly I became a bit nervous. Quickly moved in and it went into the kendo hall, where already thousands of people (well, some less so) already made it warm or watched eagerly as the others made themselves warm. When registering, you already knew of me (after all this time I was the only foreigner * gg *) and actually I would not have to say my name to get my number. * Gg *
not know how many people have made on this day examination, but there were quite a few, especially the people in the shodan. (Shodan translated means the way early stage, so I'm now a beginner in Kendo.)
was warming up for the way it does not so much time because soon began the opening ceremony, and then even then the fighting for the Shodananwärter.
total passed the test in three parts. Keiko (the fighting), a theory test (which written content) and Kendokata (certain shock sequences, altogether there are ten of them). In Kata I was sure that I will insist. I can. For the written test, I had to learn a little and thus have a few new kanji learned. The Keiko was what made me pretty nervous.
clock at ten it started correctly.
I twice had to fight A 1:20 min. Before the fight I was nervous animal, because the whole time I did not know what was going on just because. Thank God I was not alone in this event. Chihiro addition, three other were there from the Kendo Club, who also made all the testing (and we all have but one passed). Among other things, it was Saki, who explained to me in an emergency, all in English.
I was so nervous animal, but somehow I managed not to auszuticken completely, but instead to calm me down. The fighting then was quite tiring. My Opponents were probably more nervous than me. In any case, I found it hard to show what I could really. For if the opponent does not play, you can not make a nice Kendo (at least I have not ^ ^). And that was indeed the examination, nice kendo. I just do my best and tried the best of the situation to make. I have not really thought much, just fought. And after the first fight I was quite ready, and when the second was over, I was just happy that the worst was over. Then I had to wait
(wait and we all had a lot on that day). In between were still Bong and Gini, two very good friends of mine, which made me very happy. Then came the written test, at about eleven. I was allowed to write in German, but had to explain my answers in the end in Japanese. I could sure use my electric dictionary, and apparently has been sufficient. ^ ^
was announced then wait again. Did I mention that we have been waiting quite a bit? At half past twelve there was then perhaps the results for the Shodananwärter, and I was still actually on the list. While the others had already said that it was ok, but in the end I was then but not so sure if it has been enough of what I had shown. It had. And by the way my opponents have succeeded. Then again I had to
. Wait And the wait geschlaucht animal. At two then began the Kataprüfungen. Shortly before two men came to me and asked me if I can because the kata. I was somewhat surprised by the question. They've got actually assumed that I can not change the kata, and I had to really show the two that I can. The astonishment of the two could see them literally. But with Kata I'm good, I know. Anyway, I'm in comparison to the Japanese right here. I dare even say that I am of the people in the Kendo Club, the best, at least until the seventh kata. (And other than teachers. * Gg *)
The Kata are practiced in Japan that is not quite so intense like mostly in Japan. Therefore, the level of the kata in Germany is much higher than in Japan.
In Kata I was then teamed with a guy who had fallen from almost nervousness. It has really seen his fear in his eyes, sooo cute! and then he was still on the teacher side, but maybe that was even better that way. So I was able to correct some things. But I, I am proud to be able to Kata, but smooth at the very beginning have made a mistake * laughs * I've started too early * gg * But otherwise the Kata went very well. I've been rather worried about the little boy in front of me than me.
and then had to wait again, were to all others with their check. And the end I was nervous again but then if I did not because the kata but through my dirty little mistake, and in general. There are indeed also by people in the shodan, and I would indeed can happen.
And then we had us all up again (thankfully without order, so I could stand together with others, and Saki I could translate the important stuff) and listen to us the whole final speeches. Overall, about 75% of all examinees have passed the whole test, so I had a good chance. And then I was actually on the list, and then everything happened very quickly. Only rejoice with the others, then get money quickly (in my case, get money, Yasakakendoclub me but in fact the fees paid o_o) pay, and then make all sorts of people mad, but because I need the document translated into English. And then it was already home, and I knew once again not where I was going. Whether I get an English translation, is not so sure. And if I the Shodan is now also recognized in Germany, is also not so sure. But this I do not worry me now. But the all time have gone through, it was worth. Although it has dragged animal on the nerves.
evening I was just exhausted. My whole body was tense and I then fell asleep pretty quickly, I could not even rouse more, the wash load, which I had a fix to hang.
And now Monday and it is already so late, and I was still so much today o_O
do So I say just now Bye. Starting tomorrow, I am on travel, including to Tokyo. And tonight I am meeting with a dear friend for dinner, the very last time in Japan ;-( But she said that she wants to visit me in Germany and later I am so excited!
So, Goodbye, sorry if I have not written for so long, but her course. But then I to tell even more when I'm back.
Bye, Janina
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I Need A Disconnection Letter
+ + + NEWS + + NEWS + + NEWS + + +
Man, how cool is that. And why has actually told me no? When Mike (my coach in Germany) is a speaker for testing the DKenB now, I'm looking so no problems ^ ^ plays what he wrote back ^ ^.
Who now has no idea of what I just advertise here, please read the first by the report. Maybe it will clear ^ ^
+ + + + END OF NEWS + + + +
is available before you (well, now you've got to imagine that I stand before you, okay? Get her back it? Good) So, before you stands a newly baked FIRST KYU!!
If that does not say anything now, and there are probably many of you, here is a brief explanation. First Kyu is the ranking before the first Dan! Speaking of first Dan, if I'm lucky, can I make the still, while I'm here ôô But more on that later.
So, now I'm first kyu. * * FähnchenschwenkunddazuimKreisrumtanzobwohlessiebenUhrfrühamMorgenist And as you may remember, you have to actually exist for a test and I have told you nothing of a test, right? And I can not even apologize! Funny? I also find * gg * knew from the test I absolutely nothing until they have told me the result. Now you are still confused? If you had your time to see me, than to me about it! But perhaps I should rather start from scratch, I must still mention the television. Confused again? Good. * Gg *
(Ha, I am master of people confuse * ggg *)
I had not written in the last report that I once gave a stint with another workout. The next day I was invited to a training session, which took place yesterday. The only information I got was that there should be a Shiai training. Shiai means in German competition. I am not a fan Shiai, but a training one can join. For the time where I participate in a competition but gg * *
So I was picked up by Mr Date, and on the way out he told me about the progress of the training. That was the first surprise. The fact that a reporter from the newspaper would also be there, was the second surprise. And then we arrived and I suddenly had a television camera in front of me. Oo and later two, and get a couple of photo cameras!
I mean, a little something I'm already used to, but it took me then somehow irritate me. Especially during the actual training. Then came even more complicated by that I did not always understand what we should do now as an exercise. Accordingly, I found my performance not just high-profile. Somehow it was all very confusing. Someone wanted something from me constantly.
Before training there were a few small speeches (which were also filmed already, hmm, I had to say because something? I can not remember anymore) and I have a shinai (as a bamboo sword), a bokken (wooden sword ) presents with my name on it (!) and various documents. Do not ask me why, I feel even as nothing special, but the Japanese can make a mountain out of an elephant. Hey, at least at the time I was still fifth kyu, which is nothing. And then overwhelm me with so many things that I've earned but not yet. Oh, you must have just like the Japanese mentality. They are soo friendly people!
Back Training. It was actually relatively quickly over, and already I was taken from the waiting reporters in hardware. I had to give an interview. In Japanese! And I've managed to get into Japanese! (Okay, I had to ask once or twice, but otherwise it went quite good ^ ^) And who could not get enough of me, even though they have politely asked their questions one after all ^ ^ One was even at the very end, where everything was already over, and wanted to ask a question (but I had to fast with the Sensei, so I before meals or showers could. But I getting ahead of myself.)
After the interview, it was then that "Shiai training. I put it in quotes because it was not really any training, but rather a demonstration. A show with me as the protagonist. Had I known that before.
the beginning of the Sensei said nor what were five people in the end it only three. Should I fight against three people in a row without a break. Thank God only a maximum of two minutes. How long can be two minutes. (And how quickly we forget that the whole thing still goes on time * gg *)
Through the hustle and bustle I've always looked at the very last moment, which actually just was going on. I stood mine, just up all our questions and answer questions, and then suddenly have looked the enemy in the eye. But it is a sweet enemy, an elementary school student was the gg * * I then also defeated two to one. (Hmm, my second Shiai win in my life. And this against a primary school. Can we be happy? * Gg * Hmm, I think so. After all, I have almost no Shiai practice.) The second fight I lost, zero to one. He was, I believe, even against a primary school. Be it granted to him. I was really in the moment a little inattentive. It is a bit difficult to fight against children in Shihai. They can give their best, but you yourself? Man himself it must also, somehow, and therein lies the difficulty. ^ ^ Or I'm just a mountain out of an elephant. (Hmm, this saying we already had. Memo to me, next time be more creative.)
The third fight, against a student in the eleventh grade, was a draw (0-0) made. I was a bit tired and therefore quite satisfied with the result. Later I learned that my opponent has been the third Dan. Since I was very surprised and even happier that I have fought so well against them ^ ^
And because the training was over. When I was
final Abgrüßen beiläufigerweise then explained so that the I Kyu first existed. I have not even understood, but I had not been interrogated. They have given me the first Kyu!
And then I had to pack my things quickly, but there was still a reporter who had a question, and I really wanted to just drink some, but the Sensei has been waiting, and I wanted to shower before they went to dinner (Eating it was after training even in a small convivial round). It was all pretty chaotic, and in between has been forgotten even a shinai (again found, but the same evening).
The food was very good by the way, but as I had before the training already taken a small thing to me, I had unfortunately not so great Hunger. For that I got wrapped up taking the rest home with me and has to make today do not worry about the food.
In this small company (or even the whole night) I've noticed that my Japanese is still become something better, something I've pretty well understood. And talk in simple sentences is also quite good. And I try to use more polite phrases. I forget too often.
When I was finally alone at home, I first really realized what had happened that night all. And then I had to cry a little einbißchen and wave their arms.
And then I could not sleep, as far too much adrenaline in my Bloodstream (ha, sent circumvented the veins-venous problems ^ ^) flowed. Since I had to calm myself first with quiet music. I think I've even managed to sleep a little. Until I woke up from my own cough, and aufblieb. Warm milk with honey is then brought nothing. The film does not. And when it was light outside again, then I decided earlier today to get up and go to college. And now I'm sitting here since half past five (!) And you report last evening, which expired so confusing, but it was kinda nice. After all, I am now the first kyu. Now I must only explain the types of DKenB and get a retroactive permit from him. But I think this is not a very big problem.
And if they do, I will pull out all that are available to me, set in motion. And if that does not help, I put on my puppy dog eyes. Those who know him know about its effect.
Oh, and then said the sensei yet, maybe in August that I could make the first Dan. Actually, although I have no time and I do not know if it was the DKenB plays along, but if I'm lucky, I'll try of course. If they say Sensei (including two seventh Dan) that I can do it, then I must try it! And the time I am going to take even somehow. Now I'm just a little Concern Wegemer the written test.
So, that was it but now really. Now you are allowed to open a bottle of champagne for me and toast to my health.
way, I am animal to come back to Germany and all of you again. I miss you, I miss the beautiful landscapes in Germany and also the beautiful cities. (Yes, Germany's cities are beautiful, you say, let the times, from one who took off his world uh these islands there to explore ^ ^) {report was written yesterday}
Until next time, your
Monday, July 7, 2008
Gowns For Rent Makati
My home last week two Weekends, so go to sets on a longer report. Let's start with the first of two weekends. Since there was again a party with my Kendo Club. (But do not think I'm just party, this is only on weekends so * gg *) That was an official party where we all (white) in a suit (black) and shirt had to compete. The first time I've even felt like at a funeral. I also understand that etiquette is not about the buttons. Normally, one buttoned his jacket on but when you sit down to prevent pulling. And when you stand up, makes them all again. But here are somehow always have the bottom button on, and all else closed. Perhaps this Seiza it on, and the fact that they get up at such a party so often and walk around, it is usually with a glass in one hand and a bottle in the other. Do not get me wrong, these are not drinkers who even if they do not sit at the table, do not get away from her bottle. No, you go out with glass and bottle to other people, sits down and then drinks, usually together. And it gives to the texture of each other. Because out for himself alone, that's a no-go (in German, which is not at all times). I have the party on the second of the evening (there are always two parties, unless you get drunk on the first too much, then you should go to the home) and already I was trying the bottle literally from Omori-sensei pulled out of the hand.
Somehow this custom very nice, but it has two major disadvantages. You must drink when one is poured out, and usually one is poured out like when your glass is empty, or, as we found more when sung (but this is again a story in itself). And the second drawback is you have to wait that one is poured out, if you want to drink. This is bad in the sense that if you really want to drink, but think the bystanders, no, the foreign girls, we would rather not pay, the foreigners are not accustomed to this practice, rather not force them. (Although I call the away, had much to tolerate. And I do not tolerate so much, I know stop just where my limits. And, as I said, yes, they urge me not to drink alcohol. Not like the first half at least. THE few things must be so empty.).
The reason why I always write so much about drinking (and my family ready for a week in shock * gg * but how bad their dear little Janina) is not because I'm here in Japan give me the alcohol. Do not worry, I do not drink more than I would do it in Germany. It's just that the drinking culture here is so different from our and thus for me as interesting to write about. I Think about it, everyone knows how we celebrate in Germany Sun But none of you (except the Japanese, etc.) has a clue how to party here in Japan. By now I know how it looks a celebration, and yet I am still fascinated about it. Why always these detailed reports of my party adventures. The most recent took place yesterday evening spontaneously by the way, so I'm still not gone to college tomorrow. was not due to a hangover, but because the day was so long and I sleep. It was always just a math lecture that I missed. But I have to tonight probably take a little extra shift, so I make up for all that today I had imagined. Long-awaited Reports (not just this one) write, for example.
Back to the weekend. On Sunday, I should keep my first German lesson, a teacher, mind you. And of course I was late (as in my case, it should also be different, somehow, I am incorrigible in this respect). Actually I had set up on a handful of students, but then sat in the room a whole class of middle school. And where I should teach German. So now is not the whole of German grammar (that would also become a bit difficult in the period of fifty minutes), but only as the most important phrases and how to present ourselves. In fact, when those in the short Time pretty much told I must say. We were even on the topic vs. you. You talk. Hisai-San has helped me quite. But I think, so bad I was not. Now I just hope that the children have retained at least a little. Things really soon (or already are) go to Germany for some time and live with a German host family. It occurred to me that to teach the family a bit more Japanese than German children. Because if you do not understand each other and then also come from such different cultures, is not exactly easy. Especially because the Japanese kids are so shy.
On the evening of same day was I with my best friends, food, Japanese Italian. Oh man, the food was good, especially the dessert. Incidentally, it was Tabehodai say I no longer need, right? And then had the ever so good coffee (I want the same coffee !!!), which I drank two cups. What I would prefer not to do, but because I wanted to see the final of Germany against Spain that night. The good thing about Japan, they have transferred to the finals on TV. The bad thing was, it ran at half past four in the night. That was pretty hard. First of all I was able to sleep because of the coffee and then I had not almost two and a half hours will get up to go to peace, which I with him and Bruce, a Scot, had seen the final. And as I have once again realized how fast it can go ninety minutes passed and it's getting light outside. Unfortunately, the finale was not quite so good for Germany.
Back at home I am still a bit down on the ear, after I have such an hour or rolled in the bed and was wondering if I sleep now, or the time to spend but rather useful. Just before my deadline was reached inside of seven clock, I went to sleep yet. But two hours later I had to get up again. That was not nice. During the day I was not so well on it. And that was not just the few Sleep, but also to the sunstroke, which I had probably taken the previous Sunday. Most particularly the training I've noticed that when I was totally exhausted, and the first after the Kirikaeshi. And Tuesday there was no better. But somehow I feel most often when I'm struck a bit better after training than before. Is it the endorphins? If so, I find it great. But I also wonder if it is almost too sick to go training. Probably not. What the doctors say of you? Although, doctors always say only that which will not hear you.
On Wednesday I was invited to train at another dojo. Funny enough, then a teacher of the Ehime University was there, the occasional also with us mittrainiert in the dojo. So there was someone who could introduce myself properly. First there were technical training, which made me quite out of breath (hmm, perhaps I was something else posted by my sun-stroke, although I did actually again felt quite healthy. Because I realize I have a lot lately problems added to my physical fitness. I guess I'm just not used to the climate here, and my body to do all kinds of it, to get around. And then I go work out yet, what an outrage. You have to go somewhere and do it again limp.). Where were we? Oh, and during training. During training, incidentally, were also children, of primary school age. Full sweet. And they were fitter than me! While the adults were given as a breather, there had to walk across the hall! And also suggest any other boot. But no one grumbled and all have given their best! As you can see again the difference between German and Japanese children, and German and Japanese culture. Somehow it's already admirable.
After the technical training course there was the free fighting, and where I had only two-three times a fight, I fought that evening with six different people. They have even employed by me! Whoa, was that exhausting. I had to twice take a break, because I would not have otherwise sustained. But it was instructive in any case. Even if my way of a kendo sensei teaches not like. That is this, if you do not exactly right, I stand before you like a wall and push them back up easily - Art Since you really have the feeling that one runs into a wall. Or worse, a wall that runs back. What I mean is when all our efforts on someone tapers, but the up (because he is simply bigger and stronger) simply block out and it comes back, that's pretty exhausting. It will be stopped in the middle of its course and then also, as I said, pushed back, resulting in a considerable burden for the body, which is actually in the forward movement. I like this kind is not easy. Some do it to arouse the fighting spirit of the other. But this method does not works with me, then I will rather stop immediately and I am glad when it's over.
But then the Sensei still done something cool. He has shown me jodan. How to fight it and how to fight it. I had previously considered before, if I should not eventually begin to fight in the future Jodan (although I'm so small). Maybe its on me closer. And now I have experienced times like this is so. But until I finally decide, will still take a little time. Because this is a pretty drastic decision. Finally, you can choose the fighting style, which you will put it well for a very long time.
And now, I think I should at least try to explain to the conclusion, which is Jodan. So, Jodan is a certain type, how to fight, rather say, how to hold his sword. Usually, we keep the sword in front of him, that's the "normal" Kamae (kamae = starting position). But there are still a few others. In one, for example, can you handle the sword behind his back, so that the opponent can not see it. This Kamae ", however, in today's kendo only at one of the kata (sequences of beat). The two Kamae, which are used today are the "normal" and containing Jodan Kamae. Jodan at a slight angle, keep to the sword over his head and has the left foot forward (and runs into the hit from his right foot). Supposedly, but I have to ask me, this is a battle position, which is rather large for fighters. (For that reason, I also ask if I'm too small for Jodan.)
After the training, as you can imagine, I was pretty down. And my right foot hurt by Jodan, because I was not used to jumping with the right. But somehow it has been fun. Why so what the heck is only fun in retrospect?
On Friday, I wanted a dragon. I mean, I still want to have a dragon. But on Friday, the desire was particularly strong. And I'm talking about any fabric or a dragon figure in the shape of a dragon, no, I mean a lively dragon with wings, horns, scales and claws. Prefer a shoulder dragon, so I can keep him in my apartment. I would hatch a dragon egg, and then when the dragon is hatched, I go every day for a walk. Why only there are no real dragons? That would be soo cool!
Can not a biologist out there in the world, one for I breed? I always pass on to him.
And now you say I am completely determined by shot for * ggg * But I still want a dragon.
On Saturday I talked with Julia about what we eat when we are back in Germany. I want to eat apples! Good, tasty German apples also taste like apple. You may also like something smaller and not have such a beautiful red color. The main thing, they taste like apple. Julia is the way to eat a kebab, after all, it comes from Berlin.
Saturday morning, I was, as always, even during training. But despite temperatures around thirty degrees this time I came along really well. The sun-stroke appears to be overcome. Now I hope it stays that way and I no longer cared to take me must not once again because my body wants to join. I think that's quite a tightrope walk. On the one hand, I know I probably should all cut back a bit because my body is not accustomed or not containing grad fit. On the other hand, I am strongly determined to give my best at all times, regardless of what I do to my body so. But if I always do my best, I am totally exhausted after a short time and can almost not go on. Is not it better to give from the very beginning, perhaps only 80 percent, and this then hold on, as from the beginning to be quite exhausted? What is the best strategy?
And then we arrived on Sunday, so yesterday. There was a team tournament (of course Kendo) in Kochi, on which I rode along. Hey, we talk about Kendo, I had to. Although I pretty much regretted it in the meantime. It was hot and I had headaches all the time. But I have seen many interesting fights. The boys have unfortunately not won, but lost it in the semifinals against the winner (after a very hard fight). By the way, has won Matsuyama University. Which are quite strong but also pretty rough. (Okay, these guys are, too often.) Ehrlich I said, I like such a fighting style, but seem to get through it better. Well, I've also (thank Bernd) the ideal in my head of a beautiful kendo, and not on a winning Kendo.
And in the evening we were drinking was spontaneous, but I've already mentioned.
And because I'm already on the fourth side, I hear today on the report. From today there is talk about that is really nothing. Today I was not even in training, because this morning I've slept so long ^ ^ Yeah, punishment is required.
But one thing I can tell yet. I have, after careful consideration decided at the summer course in August to participate. If I have understood correctly, it will be this time five days. I just hope that I will hold the. But that would just be the perfect end for my Kendo training here in Japan. And before I think because of the FP II no time to train in Germany, I train stop before a little bit more. Good idea, right? And now I'm already on it somehow. (And forget the history because it was pretty exhausting the last time * lol *) I can do it, definitely.
So, it makes good
your Janina
Hmm, already become a report to acting almost exclusively in Kendo. And now I realize that I forgot to visit the factory on Wednesday quite where we visited a factory and even on the factory floor, where in addition to including tractors were assembled, were allowed. Was somehow pretty cool. The first time I was in a factory. So far I've only ever seen something like that in consignment with the mouse.
Okay, now that's it really. Bye!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Newark Airport To Cape Liberty
Yes, I think, today's weekly report will turn back the strange things that happen yet in this very strange land. Again a glimpse into the culture here as far as I can still differentiate themselves. You get used to many things that is slow and can "see" it no longer, and we no longer shakes his head to know when a pin is packaged separately in a small plastic bag, which then together with the other thing that you bought , is packed into a large plastic bag. Bag waste you say? Japan, I say.
(Although, on this oddity, I would get upset every time. But they're always so fast that I can not say in time that I did not want the bag (this is of course, you have to wait, as I said pretty soon to be).)
In Japan Namely packed everything so it looks nice. And if a package is not secure, you do not smooth around ne second drum. Speaking of packing, it reminds me of gifts, which in turn makes me think of beautiful paper and already we are at origami. Did you know that Origami is to come from Germany? Told in any case, Ruth-sensei. And Ruth-sensei knows a whole lot, especially about all the little oddities in this strange land. (But sometimes strange things are not so strange if one knows the reason. Sometimes. In most cases, they remain strange even if one knows the reason. It's just Japan, you have to this country love it * gg *) How about if we rename Japan in strange land? Not a good idea? Okay, then not.
further in the text, or the last weekend. Because that was pretty cool! Not only do I have dyed my hair (now see the really cool back in, uh, red, I mean ^ ^), no, I have also cut bamboo mats. With a smeary right sword. What? You knew already? You have seen the video? Well, then you can stop reading now, yes. All
who do not yet know (or want to know how my weekend looked else) please read. The bamboo cutting I had ever allowed to take part, in March. But at that time was not so good because the mats were not wet. At that time I had it once and almost there. This Saturday was different.
I'm right in the middle of the night (seven clock in the morning) got up to view in Uchiko (where the whole was held) to be. I almost missed my train, but just almost. Half an hour later I was in this beautiful village of Japan and was still smooth by Marko (my German friends there, who informed me over the bamboo cutting) and the Sensei (the teacher) from the station picked up. So I had not expected, but even more so happy ^ ^. After a few organizational matters, the whole then started at half past ten, and we even had two spectators (and one could cut it afterwards once ^ ^). First there was a small Iaido demonstration, then it went to the bamboo (for practice I think) and finally to the mats. This time I also had quite a respect for the sword (which you should always have) but I was not afraid anymore. And after each experiment, the cutting was better, and pretty soon it has quite a lot of fun * gg * And this time we all have also managed to cut the bamboo mats. Not always, but quite often. Depending on how you cut, whether from right or from top left, or even from the bottom or side, the harder it is. You have to take that is the right angles, the impact the sword run through and do not stop (which I have gladly,'m just Kendoka ^ ^), are properly and was probably much more ^ ^
between there ne tea break, but we cut until there was no more mats. This has been a lot of junk at the end, I tell you. At noon it was
yakiniku (fried meat, a bit like hot stone, who knows hot stone). And not only that, there were also Tabehodai. What? You do not know what that is? And guess ye can not you? Or you might think that Janice will tell but anyway the same? Then you are right * gg * Tabehodai is easy "All you can eat" (And that, I've probably already said that once or?), as Nomihodai "All you can drink" is, however, usually with time limits.
That meant for us to eat everything but what we had brought us. What would have been especially difficult, if not one would have asked additional two shells with meat on our table. Since we had to not only eat what we had brought from the buffet, but the other meat as well. I was soo tired after cardboard that I've felt like a big ball with legs. On that day I would stand it loose without another meal. But, oh no, in the evening we (Mark, Kirsten were (American, and I) were invited to a party of the sensei with his friends. The time until then Kirsten and I have bridged the watching of the new Indiana Jones movie. The film is recommended by the way, if the beginning is quite weird eh, so seen as a physicist. Respectively. itself as a normal person (as physicists are not just normal), one will think: Huh? And rightly so. But since I want to reveal anything goes, but simply to the movies. Apart from the Huh-moments of the film is pretty cool.
And then when we were not sure whether we should go to the party of the sensei, because we were sooo full from lunch, was already the sensei at the door and has picked us. The party was still pretty funny, and it was very good food (three different types of sashimi! And the rest of the fish arranged decoratively on the table, really cool! Of course, not only sashimi.), Of which I unfortunately could not quite eat as much, simply because I was so tired already. I have tried it but still, at least try everything once. And with sashimi I can not always say no * gg *
And on the train to Matsuyama I eventually met an Australian who has just a bit of traveling around Japan, and was so even for the hour drive back a little company.
All in all a really cool day, right? Besides the temperatures were hot, hot and humid. I mean, it was actually pretty nice warm as it was raining buckets. That's just the rainy season here. I really do not think so bad. These days it is in fact not the case that it rains constantly, but only once every now and then, and mostly at night. And mostly it is hot and humid, but if you do not spend the whole day out, that works too. Only in kendo, it is at times really hard to stick to me. But by then I must. In the summer it gets hotter, until then I will take every opportunity to exercise true. Right now I train four to five times a week. Since proud of me!
Speaking Kendo, as it actually runs when training in Denzlingen, Masami and Daniela? Any New? Exams? How was beautiful forest? (It was this year in beautiful forest?)
On Sunday (this time without ingenious reconciliation) I had a date with Julia for breakfast. After a little search we found a cafe that had ten clock on (which is not easy in Japan!) And breakfast served. Then we were a bit of shopping. In the afternoon there was the Färbeaktion and evening I have again made a cozy movie night, 2 with The Mummy and The Mummy On Saturday I have indeed seen the trailer for the third part and felt like getting me the two movies back-to look at and. And that was a good idea because the films are really good, if not really cool ^ _ ^ And Brendan Fraser does in this movie is not just bad. I like the character he plays, Rick is cool.
That was my weekend. For the rest of the week is to say, it's everyday life. However, we were in with the culture of class on Wednesday Tobe. About Tobe I have already reported times (determined), but here's the refresher. In Tobe porcelain is made, and we visited the largest porcelain factory there and visit. Which is pretty cool because you can actually just have a go on and watch the workers work at. And then of course there's a sale shop where you can buy all of what is produced there (legally expensive though) and a small museum there also are on display in the special works. We only had unfortunately no time to paint something yourself, like I did last time. So I had a ready-made patterns for my plate, I wanted to buy me necessarily) be satisfied. Was not bad, I've found a pattern that I like, although it is blue.
This was Tobe for the third time this year for me, a fourth time, I will not get there well. A funny thought.
Definitely not funny was the result of my Japanese tests from last Friday. Do not worry, I've passed, but I just had some errors. No wonder I did so well at all not learned. No idea why not. Somehow I never found time for it. But do not think I'll do anything for Japanese! That's right that is not ^ ^ And for the next test, I learn then, I promise.
I had told you that I was not registered for the Japanese course (or was that in the report that I deleted, I silly?)? Anyway, I was for the physics courses that I visit do not even registered. To my surprise, incidentally. No idea what went wrong. I mean, me saying anything. (Well, almost never) Or. I think if they would have said from the beginning (so that I understood had ^ ^) how the system works here, how to apply for courses logs, what are the "false conditions", etc. Then I could have done that this semester's all alone, but I could not do so. I'm not so sure whether the tutor system is a good thing. Although, however, it is. The tutor would have to think of his charges, at least in such matters * gg *
But hopefully now everything is fine and I'm logged in when I should be notified. We'll see what I get for tickets for this and last semester. I am really excited.
So, I think that's enough for today, or are you not share this view?
I wish you what!
it oppressive to you, your
Monday, June 23, 2008
Yoga After Bladder Repair
+ + + NEWS + + + I'm back I, I'm back red hair! + + + NEWS + + + END
If you have not yet read the report last Friday, and you wonder why I am talking about the report last Friday, then I'm beastly tired. But because of my stupidity I have it overwritten by this report. If anyone of you has perhaps saved the report (Hi Uncle Gotthold ^ ^) and can send it to me somehow, I'll upload it again later. Otherwise, I'm terribly sorry for all those who have not read.
And now, the current Special! Two videos from the land of sun. The first is pretty self explanatory. Have fun watching. ^ ^
result in a very rainy night. The noise from the background that sounds like noise, the rain, I could not sleep because of the fast.
Hmm, maybe I should again make a video if it is lighter.
And the next video is Created last Saturday. It shows, unfortunately, not me, but for someone who can do it really well, the bamboo cutting. And yes, I did that as well made, and fully enjoyed it, and I hope that I still even have a Opportunity to get.
So, that today's Monday feature. Until next time
Until then, your
Friday, June 6, 2008
Small Bone Structure Bmi
report from Friday the 13th:
I think I'm in episodes. Last week was a great episode. This week is kind of deflated. It is not that much different. But why am I so passive? And have more difficulty than usual in the morning to get out of bed? Is this the recurring phenomenon of my idleness to an exam?
For an exam I have written. (She is even considered really good.) And after a written exam (no matter what a) I have a tendency in some kind of hole to fall. Because the pressure is missing, because I have nothing more to do. Whatever. So am I so just in a hole? And why does this hole, then that's obviously driven by intellectual and learning-recently-was-always-well-reasoned, my physical activity? If this is the proof that the mind influences the body? Is my hole so deep? For this week my Kendo was just miserable dog. And I do not think that only the heat is to blame.
Speaking heat, it's pretty hot here. Even in the rainy season. Yeah, it's official rainy season in Japan. And that was funny, after the rainy season was officially declared, the rain has stopped. Fairly long even. But he came back, mostly at night. And since I am now, because it is so hot during the day, always with an open balcony door (only the screen door is closed) sleep, which is quite noisy even at night. Because you have to get used again. Against the heat in the room you can turn the air conditioning but the air conditioning is either loud or the rain. And I must admit
, I'm not Regenfan. And by storm we do not even talk. That I can not depend so absolutely. And since you can not separate from the rain storm may rain and I will probably never really liked. Thunderstorms and heavy rain to spend the best under the covers in bed and watch videos.
Oh man I am today, well in the reconciliations. Now we're smooth already arrived at my new hobby. Watching movies. Or have I mentioned this before? Anyway, I like to say it again, because that's what I've done the last week almost every night. And now you probably think, I have no life. BUT! I have a life, just that stupid grad total (see above). So I watch American TV series to do some escapism. Works pretty good, especially if one has to look good series. And Grey's Anatomy is a great series! I want the DVD's when I get back. Unfortunately, only the first two seasons in the video store, and the second, I'm almost done. It registered the way a lot more, if the episodes in a shorter period of time after the other looks as if one looks only one sequence per week. You can see the bigger picture (if any) and see especially the inconsistencies or strange character reactions that you can understand it is not because but in the last episode that is and that happens, and you wonder why this character because the and that's when he could for that and do it. But mostly it's fun. ^ _ ^ Especially if you are waiting for his favorite character. Grey's Anatomy McDreamy of course it is, and The 4400 is Marco, the nerd from the intellectuals Keller ^ ^ Not because he's a nerd, but because he was a cool nerd is. Although it is not raining, he goes with NEM umbrella outside. And fallen on his head he is would not ^ ^ I only probably happen pretty stupid next to him * gg *
Well, yes we can dream, right? What you dream about? I recently had a very strange dream, I was alternately an orc, a kidnapped child and, I believe, a dragon, in the order. And now what does that say about my state of mind? like Well, at least I was once a dragon * gg * I still hang. But to be desired, the dragon culture in Japan remain. I really can not live out my passion. But when I'm back, then, yes then, then I'll continue again ^ ^ For if Amy can be a cow, then I can be a dragon. No big, but still a dragon * gg * Who is Amy? You do not know Amy moooh Chavez? Shame on you! And will be ashamed when you are done with, then and listen to the podcast of the world's most ingenious. It is, of course, to Japan, mostly. However, this podcast is in English, so a good exercise to extend your language skills. Hmm, but Amy is on the new series is no longer there. What this means for you, you must first let's see the archive to get to know Amy. But Doug also funny ^ ^
is what I come now to my Schnitzelparty last weekend? Speaking last weekend, I've invited some friends to me, to eat. Eating and gabs, and it was delicious too. I did the first time in Japan made chips. The difficulty lay in finding suitable meat. Papa tell me that meat from the topside. But I know what it is topside in Japanese? No. But the Japanese I encounter a bit. They have the Schnitzel namely, a similar dish, the Katsu. According to my great new electronic dictionary (I LOVE it, it's awesome!) Is translated Katsu, pork chops, pork, or even maintain. Katsu is a bit different, it is thicker (apparently knocking it not flat) and is not fried, but fried. (Frying do here pretty much.) Fry, but I do not like is too oily. Although it tastes pretty good, I must admit. Back to the steak. As I was in my dictionary see (maybe I should to the dictionary a name, dictionary is to write so long, but my Ipod also has a name that needs the first. Suggestions?) That Housing Raundonakaniku, or Uchimomo is . And now I know where the top shell is in an animal, because Momo means thigh, ie, the upper shell is somewhere in the thigh. Something else learned, great. Next time I will look after sometimes Uchimomo.
But last Saturday I'm not the thought came to my dictionary to ask for advice, so I just looked only to Katsu, and I think found very ordinary meat. And above all, affordable meat, after all, I wanted to feed five mouths. (What I've done it too ^ ^)
A second problem to find right next to the meat, was the butter. In most cases, here the butter or margarine is salted, the fact. I had to find first time unsalted butter / margarine. But I have not found even though I've even asked for it (although, I think I have asked for unsalted pork ^ ^). So there had to be salted margarine I was still at home. Was no problem.
my first steak in Japan (even with Japanese bread crumbs) was super, SUPER, I tell you. To this end, there were potatoes, ne mushroom sauce, a salad based on sour cream and rice pudding for dessert. And my guests have brought cake. I tell you, we were satisfied, though two great men were there. But it's really difficult for several people to cook. I did it, just cook the right amount. My tip for you, salad always helps ^ ^
This night I have not time to sleep. Not because my guests have stayed so long, no, I could not. Perhaps because of the heat, perhaps, at night because I have yet begun to watch DVD's.
I had before, I could not sleep the night. At that time I have read a book in a train. Only in the morning, as we are totally ready, because we have not even slept. It would be kind of cool when you can go through the night and morning would be relatively fit. Not every night, not regularly, but sometimes when you just do not want to sleep the night. But I can not. I need my sleep.
now the way I need to cook several reasons vanilla pudding. For my dear grandmother (this she was greeted and thanked and pressed =)) sent me vanilla pudding powder. THANK YOU! The fact I had ordered before my birthday time at home, but there was my birthday package has been sent. But now I'm on a diet and can not cook for me every day a pudding (although I would like to do ^ ^), so I need reasons. The next reason is (now is where I write this here Friday, but I probably will this text is no longer able to upload, because I must be gone) on Saturday or was on Saturday (see?) Because I meet my friends again, but this time I just boil the dessert and bring the wine. ^ ^ Not a big orgy of shopping and cooking more. Since I'm excited.
Sun, so I take my leave of you. It pushes you, your
Update: An update on his
weekend is, as has in fact occurred a little something I want to tell you. On Saturday
has shown a possible reason why my week so modest true. The heat makes me probably more trouble than I thought. The morning practice had to stop me early because I just could not. I almost started to hyperventilate. My body is simply running too hot. I must admit I was disappointed in myself that I could not hold out until the end. But I know that it was only reasonable to stop earlier. I would simply had no energy. And the rest of the day I could not even recover properly. And I took me an hour to drive to the International House, where my friends and I once again wanted to dinner together. I is mine, the house pretty far away, but an hour (okay, including wine now ^ ^) is already quite a lot. The whole day I only wanted one, have a rest ^ ^
The dinner was pretty strange. I arrived twenty minutes late and still was the first * gg * Bong had gotten lost. And since Edward was waiting for him, the two together one hours were too late. We girls had begun to eat ever ^ ^ It was Thai food, very tasty. And I could even eat the spicy food, even if I do in between are a lot of rice and lots of Fuzzy eat had * gg * And for dessert there was an outrageously expensive cheese cake (which is here ürbigens made with cream cheese, so much of a cheese cake ^ ^) and vanilla pudding ( the grandmother of * gg *). Because I was so exhausted and so hungry, I ate as much as I could. Later, I started to hurt the stomach.
Well, and because I am at a air conditioner set at 26 ° C, have some frozen thought that the others that I am not so very healthy. And since then I realized why the week was so modest. No wonder, when you are sick, no? The night I
then placed in the International House (I had before anyway), I would have made the trip anymore. On Sunday, I can then tackle more slowly.
Oh, and Sunday, as I have incidentally bought a yukata! This is a summer kimono. He is black with red cherry blossoms and purple lotus flowers, totally beautiful. And the obi, the belt is black-red. Now I just need to practice more, as I dressed the part ^ ^ This is pretty complicated.
So, that was the fix. I think, I'm feeling a little better again, even if my condition can do to still be something left. But I do not give up, tomorrow I go back to training.
Until next time, bye,
your Janina
Friday, May 30, 2008
Acrois True Image Mirror
forward all away I would like to thank Lothar and Regina for her moving letter. Now I have Dad, Isa and Flo (and the heath, oh, you my homeland) hanging in my office and can watch them forever.
And all other people who have written me and those I forgot to reply, even a very big thank you. I am really, if you summon a few minutes for me and what I write, send, or just me thinking ^ ^ I think you too, it's more than you think ^ ^ And only because of you, I'll be back * gg * And I'm happy again!
Oh, and this Text has absolutely nothing to do with cleaning up with the Japanese. That was just my today's sports unit ^ ^
Well, now to the news.
Good people,
I do not know why I did not recently come more often to write reports. Maybe I was just very dedicated to laziness, but I actually do not much less than last semester. So, it's really my general laziness? Or do I have to say maybe just nothing? Perhaps I had been used for so much of my life here, settled, that all that so in my Life happens here, not as newsworthy appears. It is meant for you very newsworthy.
If I had Internet at home, would be something quite simple. For dinner I have always been very much time, mostly. Except when I go out with my fellow students in the evening or go to a friend's birthday. I have now found a new hobby. Watch videos. This is very cheap, if you have it done because at last, to get a Ausweiß. One needs here, namely a second person can call you if we can not be obtained yourself (and has not brought back the video). A more complicated procedure if you have mastered the subject not quite Japanese. But thanks to participation of my dear friend, I got the Surugi Ausweiß after all. And now I can when I want to borrow videos. And a video costs only 300yen, which is slightly less than 2 €. And it's not just the fee for a day, no, a whole week you are allowed to keep the videos! If that is not favorable!
Unfortunately, the selection is not just remarkable, but it does have something that we might like. And above all I like at the moment Grey's Anatomy and The 4400, the series I watch that is now, if I find time to do so in the evening when I am alone at home and do nothing else did. And I think I am addicted to Mr. Dreamy. I think I'll still Doctors in America. Physics is always just for nerds. * Gg *
Speaking of physics, of which I have not so much at the moment. Okay, I go to three physics courses and must listen to me almost every week a lecture (and soon also hold one of the I'm still not the subject), but apart from physics to me is just rather be left alone. In any case, here in Japan. I have so so slow to think about my next steps when I'm back in good old Germany. And there is at the Forge as the first advanced course II, fairly immediately when I'm back. I'm curious even know if it all goes the way I had imagined.
And, by the way, I will then also need a place where I can live. My wish would be to pull together with a dear friend, but it has to consider yet what course I can understand totally.
My real desire situations can unfortunately not be fulfilled, because the third person would be involved in it, has been ne apartment where she moved in recently. But maybe you can start with what new returnees. Well folks, I know I can sometimes be very challenging, but I know that you can tell me all suffer, at least (it would otherwise read this journal?), That is, someone among you who wants to move in with me? I can cook! Video and evenings are always very funny to me, and I can cook!
I'm really curious to see where I'm going to live next year. Hopefully more than a year, a year is too short for an apartment. If you have settled down, you have to take off again. The year in Clausewitz avenue was much too short. When will I have the next time a red room? I want in my next week in any case at least have a red wall. And a black door. Or a door that I can use as a wall. I like to use other things that are not intended as a bulletin board, as a notice board. As my wall in my apartment. What you could see if I could do it, the 40 seconds long video of high load. But this is not so, and I think I'll have to do it again. The video. But for that I must again until my apartment clean (Believe it or not, instead of cleaning up, I have written a call. What Freud would say to that? Do I have a phone Trauma? Or I am overwhelmed by thought, or are my headaches blame ? ne I need aspirin.)
And while we're on weather are, let me say, this year's rainy season is pretty early. In any case, according to my teacher. And if this is the rainy season, I find it not so bad. A day and pouring rain the next day is bright again hot. Only the sultry I find not so great. But since you are always most of the day indoors rather endure, is not so bad. Because inside there is almost always air conditioning. Unfortunately not in my office. (Or it does not work correctly. Or Japanese do not know how to use an air conditioner, because actually it may, the window will not be on when the air conditioner is on, right? But since when have Japanese idea of isolation and controlled heating / cooling of buildings and rooms?)
My body has to do quite nicely with the climate at the moment. I mean, I like it so warm. But too warm sometimes really stressful. And then more of this alternation of refrigerated space in the normal heated air outside. No wonder I had this week and a cough wehtuenden neck and still have a little bit. When I next week, despite medicine, which I bought (yes, all alone. But was probably always the only way that healing vegetable. This is the Japanese love namely. I'll just prefer to tough chemistry ^ ^ But as long as it's not homeopathic, I take everything if it only helps.), is not gone (or at least it looks that in the near future does not go away), do I have probably yet to see a doctor. But until then, we now hope all times that it is better to Monday again, and I (do because it hurt because that is) no more fear in front of swallowing need. And
for training as a cough is not too great. Speaking of training (ingenious reconciliation, * not * gg), as has recently happened quite a lot, maybe not. In any case, we are the new winner in a rather large tournament in our ranks. Well, after almost all the boys are kicked out in the first round, Saori (now Ninensei, we would say third term) the title fought hard for women. And, oh man that was exciting. As much as I have with the people not to cheer, as I have done in this tournament.
But first put a brief statement. So, was here two weeks ago near Matsuyama a great kendo tournament. This time no teams, but each individually. Actually, I had my first this Sunday Kyu can do, but because everything was kind of short notice, and anyway, and anyway, I'll do the now until July (the hottest time of the year, well thank you ^ ^). So I am with the tournament. And for that I had to get up pretty early and had only time for a banana milkshake, nothing solid. And because it was Sunday, the baker was also facing not. And time for the next Combini (for 24 hours stores) I also did not have. Therefore hoped that in the vicinity of the sports hall there is a Combini are (of course nil). In the end I was in any event on this day, during the day, only liquid food (and also alcohol-free) diet. Children, makes for not the home. Is not that great. But I just could not get away from the hall because the tournament was so exciting after all. And then Saori was always the next round, and even the next round. And then she was in the semi-final and the semi-final was the most exciting fight in this tournament. Once she was suddenly on his back and did not move for a short time, but then jumped back on their feet as if nothing had, and win in short supply and is in the final. And then she was suddenly the best of all. A fantastic tournament. A great fighter.
Whether there be something in Germany do? Or There is that? What's really great for tournaments in Germany in terms of Kendo? I would like to see one. I know so far only the Badische championships. And just can not compared to what I've seen anstinken. Sorry, but Germany is, in terms of Kendo, simple yet very far. I think, anyway.
And after cleaning up, there was a spontaneous dinner party. Even Omori-sensei was there and has mitgefeiert properly. was (And at last I could eat something ^ ^)
A really nice day, the one of the best I have experienced here so far. Even if I make my test then but could not. But the next opportunity waiting for me, and I must be solved before even before my foot problem, because if I can ever solve. I have a feeling I'm not there more easily. Where I am stuck, however, is in free fighting. I think, anyway. Although I still struggle too little in a training session.
Enough of Kendo, what else is new? I think, to cancel the Kyoto report and I will show you just a selection of photos. With this decision, I will certainly lose a few good memories, but I took so many photos to get just as a reminder.
Oh man, I see again how late it is. And I wanted but still a bit Learn more today. Next week Friday is in fact the first Kanjitest, and actually I'm not prepared. I mean, I'm learning already, but this stupid kanji are so many and they look all the same, and I have to also learn the vocabulary related to it, and it all takes so much time. And I'm still not sure if my method is so good to learn kanji. (Maybe they would be better if I did not hear any music or news here.)
hear But Speaking of music and message, I'll do that is quite a bit lately. Had I said that I have made an Ipod Nano? I think. So, this Ipod Nano is just super. Not only do I now (for now) all can take my music with me, no, I can also still the evening news from the Internet download and then while I'm learning kanji, for example, hear and see above all! Podcast called this function and I love it. You can about every possible topic called podcast (sometimes video, sometimes just sound) to download and then play with the iPod, wherever and whenever you want. So I am now seeing every day the evening news to stay informed. I wanted anyway always see every day at least once the news. But for that I had in the seminary as a regular time in the TV room. And such a strict time set routine has such a student's life simply no place. Today you have to be flexible, and so a podcast is super flexible.
the way, a question for you Red among you, what's going on now with the SPD? Somehow I have a feeling it's a bit directionless. (And this impression probably comes from the other podcast that I subscribed to the political situation presents a very satirical ^ ^ Very funny and very true sometimes.) And if there were elections today, I did not know who I should choose.
And why did I actually always felt that elections always somewhere, and tell the politicians will always more than . Act Somewhere is always campaigning, right? Ruled the government at the moment? The coalition gets really baked what? And I'm not talking about cakes.
the way, I would like to bake again, but for lack of a furnace, am not capable. But the new German teacher Julia at the Matsuyama University has one, now it has to me just to bake cakes invite * *
gg So, I have a headache, hunger, and must go through the vocabulary. I promise to improve myself with the reports, honest.
And Mom, on Mother's Day I was thinking about you all the time! That with the calls we have been resolved * gg *
So, until next time, that hopefully will not be long in coming. Maybe I should hold the Friday evening for the weekly report is free. Hmm, not a bad idea. I hope I can hold on.
So, does it better, and if you would make, then you really must go shiny * gg * I think of you, almost always. ^ ^
your Janina
Thursday, May 15, 2008
How To Treat Broken Hair In Your Fringe
Before I finally got to the (hopefully long-awaited) Kyoto report, come a few more news from the land of the sun:
next week on the weekend I might do my 1.Kyuprüfung!
For those who now have a question mark in front of the eyes, that has to do with the sticks, that I suggest other people forever. Well, hidden in a small Janina böhöse page! Muahahahahahaha ha! But so far I have (other than bruises times) still no hurt, only myself Just think of my first broken bone in my life where I had to thank the good Kendo. And then I did not even have a suit of armor! But now I have one, and now I do not own me more hurt, do it now the other. And next week I say a test is to me or something to do other harm.
I'm pretty nervous, anyway. I have all this experience that is only recently, and I'm actually not really prepared for it. And actually I'm still not good enough for that! I still have problems with the foot (ie not now, does it hurt, but that I set it wrong) and no matter what I do, this stupid Macke does not go away. Anyone tips?
because somehow I feel that before I will not go, I 1th Kyu did not deserve. After all, I can then have one year 1st Dan make. And 1 Dan is in Germany more than in Japan. Somehow I have a little feeling, I cheaters, even if Bernd tells me to take the exam.
Well, let's see, maybe I'll fall through so well.
Next news, I have just donated. And I hereby invite you all to do the same, and if there are only five euros! Especially for Burma (or Myanmar, as indeed is now new)!
I am shocked and saddened over again about the conditions in this country, when I put the news (evening news, thanks Ipod Nano ^ ^) see. Perhaps because it is closer to me at the moment, as for you. Perhaps because a friend of mine comes from neighboring Thailand. But (if it has to be because it deserves, so named ...) mainly because this damn government does almost nothing, or too little and too late! Wow, I get very angry when I think about it! I must confess
that I did not have previously, that this country exists at all, but maybe we should just all the more reason to think these days the people there who were in charge of so much left in the lurch. So, spend, and if there are only five euros. € anyone can spare five of us, even poor students!
So now I have to calm down again. Next topic, I shot a little video I'll post on YouTube. Times so that you can see how I live Sun I must still prepare something, but when I uploaded it, then I say, of course, know and the link also. Maybe even at the end of this post. So, either you read to the end, or scroll down and look after ^ ^
But as it stands, this is the end. And I'm not already had time to talk about Kyoto. It was far my most brilliant trip, somehow. In any case, was it is quite an adventure. Small Janice alone in the big wide world. And in summer I will even make a duplicate. So, can not get back to Kyoto (although I will still go there as well), no, I want to Kyushu so again, and the summer, somehow doing so. Hokkaido is too far away, I think. Or I drive it again for a few days after Tokyo. Somehow his Tokyo so, or not?
Okay, the video can be a bit delayed. It is a full 40 seconds too long and therefore I must first cut in two, but none of my programs can do that Well, its something that can have you rejoice, is not it?
way, I've become now 24 years old. But only on paper, inside I'm probably just arrived at 21. Which is fine, I think it might be worse, 12 or so. And, sometimes I behave like 12th so how ..
(because I hear a roar of approval?)
But that's still what you see, here are a few photos. Without comment.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Sleep Apnea Machine Airplane
I can not describe it. Now, at this moment, I'm just happy.
It's not all the time so, no, of course not. There are days when I wish that they go by simply (and worse, but they are thankfully very rare). And most days are just every day life, which is not just bad. (Perhaps this is even the best days, because you might is not happy, but at least satisfied with his life (I hope so for you).)
But on a day like today, when I see what I am living a wonderful life. It is not all peace, joy sunshine, but most of it. I have a family I love everything about it! I am enjoying my student life that is so far the best time of my life. Perhaps because it is the first time in my life that I live on her own. I'm still single (and sometimes I think yes, that is for ever shall remain * gg * yes, yes, I know I still have time. Do not worry, I will not forget, you always tell me again * gg *), but is actually the not so bad. Then I heard at least the bed all alone (I love my bed) and I must not hold the whole order of time in my room. I do a lot of things I want to make it easy and not because I have to. Kendo for example. Or simply go to a concert times. I am living this year in this wonderful country, a fact that I had a year ago (although I already had the confirmation) is not believed. I have so many friends here and in Germany I organize every year for my birthday a medium sized party needs to fit all ^ ^ And even if there always are things that could be better (my Japanese * for example gg *), I am actually pretty happy with my life. It could have been much worse.
I have just taken a walk, simply because I would feel like it. And I'm so glad I did it. Because I have discovered a kendo shop and drink a delicious cafe au lait, while I thoroughly enjoyed the mad genius podcast function of my new iPod Nanos. (The fact I've done, as it were, Vorgeburtstagsgeschenk ^ ^) I was just hours and a half times more on the way, enjoyed the day, and found a few new pages in Matsuyama and met. I hope I can still do something even if I worked somewhere, sometime. For just what is it the true joy of life, or not? Just enjoy life times.
So, there are still a couple of trip reports, Hiroshima and Kyoto. I'm not sure how I should write that, especially since quite a while has passed since then. Or should I just show you pictures? Oh, I just try to remember as best as I can.
Here comes Hiroshima:
As you may remember, I was the weekend before my Hiroshima trip quite sick, had me smooth sustained a juicy cold was (certainly the worst cold that I have so far had, but do not worry, I've got over ^ ^). And when I think about it, maybe it was going to not be a good idea on Monday still on the Kendo training (but that was made, my Kendo zeal, this sneaky) ^ ^, but I was there, and then I was with the other Kendoka at the Uniabschlussfeier to adopt our sempai. I had not really before, because I am the same day, still had to Hiroshima (the hostel was eventually posted), but in the end it was a very good idea. Thus, a Japanese graduation ceremony may be missed that is not when one is only a year in Japan. That's a pretty big deal here. Since then fly sometimes even in Japanese the air ^ ^ And everywhere run these beautiful kimonos (this particular one wears somehow only the closing ceremony, a combination of Dogi and Hakama, even for women! oh, so beautiful Unfortunately, I have no pictures of it, why should not I? must go to Mark to ask if he has what ^ ^ around), even some men who have to, but this is rather a rare sight (really bad). And I was in the middle of the crowd and had no idea of anything, but I still congratulated ^ ^
And then I had to hurry, I wanted to catch a ferry. And how small Janice comes to the port, the good 8 km (or so) blurts was? With the bike course. Pretty stupid idea if you ask me, after all, she was quite ill. But at least they had managed in 45 minutes, and even then had to spend a little time. On the ferry, they could be God rest you something.
(At the end of the trip is but a train from the port went home, but then had the next day the bike to get from the port. Well, was just been a stupid idea, especially in my state * gg *)
In Hiroshima, I was not alone. A friend and a friend of my friend I met in Hiroshima and together we have spent two and a half days. Or the first day, two people with the process with us to the island of Miyajima howsoever caused.
If you Miyajima says nothing, it does not matter. All these Japanese names, I could not even remember. And so I tell you now that is what is special about this island. Miyajima is in fact a God, or better said, Kami, like the gods are mentioned here. And because one of gods running around not really so should be allowed to enter a couple of years the island has not at all (or maybe just the Schintopriester and monks, or so, no idea). And so is the corresponding shrine built even on the island, but most of the island, in the mud, so to speak (if containing low tide). And SO is the gate of the shrine (which is at each shrine is, we recognize the fact) right in the water (high tide) or halt in the mud (at low tide). Pretty cool sight, and rather famous, supposedly the most photographed attraction in Japan. See for yourself:
not it beautiful? I will still times to Miyajima. I hope it works out. ^ ^
There are of course not only this gate on the island, but also a few temples and the hall of a thousand tatami mats (here a name for it, how big the hall is a thousand tatami mats wait, not that there really are any), the old wooden structure is no longer understand. Say, no one on earth has a clue how to build something. Really none, forgotten knowledge, so to speak. Kinda sad.And since you can enter the island, has of course a small town with souvenir shops and expensive restaurants and guesthouses formed. And if you do not want to spend a lot of money, then you should not miss the last ferry by five clock ^ ^
The next day was Hiroshima turn. We have of course the Peace Memorial Museum and visited us the atom-Dom viewed (or vice versa, until the cathedral, then the museum), and then we were very tasty Italian food, and then among others in an art museum (because I noticed how interesting it is to look at museums, which I then in Kyoto have made. This has been a good idea ^ ^ museums are really great, you should go once in a ^ ^). By the way I've found in this museum (or more precisely, in the museum shop) a postcard with Freiburg motif (painted). Was kind of funny ^ ^ Have they bought, of course.
And the next day before we had to drive back home, we've also been to an art museum, which just showed a very modern exhibition. And if you go to the, we also know where bin Laden resides precisely: in Japan. Besides, he speaks perfect Japanese. Where did he have learned? And I hope so, that one soon used everywhere in the world that a barrier strip that tells you that everything is in order. You feel the same but better. (I would have made it like a photo of it, or better yet something like this taken ...^^)
And I have eaten far too much in Hiroshima, but that was all so delicious!
Fairly ready, and still pretty cold, I came back in Matsuyama.
Hiroshima must have really seen times (especially halt because of the atom's Cathedral and the Peace Memorial Museum) (Hiroshima and Miyajima anyway !!!), but also has its own unique atmosphere. It occurred to me that has held until now that Hiroshima does not feel Japanese. Sure, there are running around everywhere and you see all these Japanese comic character, behind which it is supposed to be a highly significant sense, but I found that I had in another city can be anywhere in the world. Perhaps because Hiroshima is so new and everything old, everything was destroyed by the traditional nuclear bomb. I mean not at all negative, it was just a feeling.
So that was Hiroshima, very nice place, really. Oh, and the castle (a reconstruction, rather disappointing, as the Osaka Castle, but more in the next report, perhaps) we were.
In Hiroshima, I have not really made a lot of pictures, so here are just two:
The day after I home (where I had to get my bike from the port, in the morning, early, very early, cold and still is) a kind of friendship tournament was here in Matsuyama between some Kendo Club. Because I was still sick so, I have not been through (Or can not participate), but only watched. Actually, I might have to be sad about it, but I was not at all. Actually, I was glad that I did not participate, "had" because I like (yet) a kendo tournament. I still have not found the inner fighting spirit for it. Actually, I'm not very interested in Winning, I lack the will still make the point. I do not know my attitude is certainly not in the sense of Kendo, but if it does not "fun" then I wait rather that this is all over, and if that means that the other wins. And if I know that the other is better than me, and me Men on first strikes, why should I still take time? If I know I have absolutely no chance, then why try? Why not add a bit of practice on until you get a chance? Just to get experience in the competition? No thanks. If I lose and win all the time not even a flower pot, that's pretty devastating for some time, and perhaps even a negative effect on my Kendo.
And now I can dissect all Kendo fanatics and Grand Master in the air, because that does not determine the meaning of Kendo is thought.
set Kendo actually make "fun"? But if there is no fun does, then I would not do it. And mostly it's fun in some way. Sometimes it does so * gg * hurt, but I'm inclined masochistic anyway, I've found * ggg *
So, that was then the last week of March this year. Next, then comes the Kyoto trip, and then after that has already begun the university again. And since that is already happening a lot, buy a paper chase for example, or three times a karaoke in a week, or another interesting museum, and several parties with the Kendoka (and for had I even a white T-shirt. Actually, I would like to buy a white blouse need, but that is my only occurred when I ran out of money, and the white shirt has done it in the end.) Kanjiunterricht together with a dear friend (when I'm with her I would never have classes together), Preparations for my birthday party, dinner with friends, Physics lectures again in Japanese (in understanding what time is again quite an obstacle) and the purchase of an Ipod Nano (3rd generation). Oh, and a bottle of wine has also played a role, and a night in which I slept only three hours and not even good. (And why would not go away then get up when I said he should go * gg * But do not worry, I was like. He did not, he has a girlfriend. ... .. Uh, okay, so far as to * gg * What you must now think of only me and why I mention this to you? Well, I'm predisposed not only masochistic, exhibitionistic, but also (and the word I can not write again oo).) And did I mention the chocolate I've forgotten the time? Now she is at my home and wants to be eaten, but I will eat healthy again! Oh, what must be a hard fate, I only suffer.
is now really call it a day, now it has become quite dark and I'm extremely hungry, and tomorrow morning's workout, where I really want to go, Kendo, of course. Kendo is the way, in the morning quite pleasant, I must say. Whether we get the times in Denzlingen go? May indeed be only an hour quietly, just like that, so to speak, as a start to the day.
Okay, makes it good, you really love, until next time
your Janina, by the way, comes in just under four months again!