Friday, May 2, 2008

Sleep Apnea Machine Airplane

I'm happy

I can not describe it. Now, at this moment, I'm just happy.

It's not all the time so, no, of course not. There are days when I wish that they go by simply (and worse, but they are thankfully very rare). And most days are just every day life, which is not just bad. (Perhaps this is even the best days, because you might is not happy, but at least satisfied with his life (I hope so for you).)

But on a day like today, when I see what I am living a wonderful life. It is not all peace, joy sunshine, but most of it. I have a family I love everything about it! I am enjoying my student life that is so far the best time of my life. Perhaps because it is the first time in my life that I live on her own. I'm still single (and sometimes I think yes, that is for ever shall remain * gg * yes, yes, I know I still have time. Do not worry, I will not forget, you always tell me again * gg *), but is actually the not so bad. Then I heard at least the bed all alone (I love my bed) and I must not hold the whole order of time in my room. I do a lot of things I want to make it easy and not because I have to. Kendo for example. Or simply go to a concert times. I am living this year in this wonderful country, a fact that I had a year ago (although I already had the confirmation) is not believed. I have so many friends here and in Germany I organize every year for my birthday a medium sized party needs to fit all ^ ^ And even if there always are things that could be better (my Japanese * for example gg *), I am actually pretty happy with my life. It could have been much worse.

I have just taken a walk, simply because I would feel like it. And I'm so glad I did it. Because I have discovered a kendo shop and drink a delicious cafe au lait, while I thoroughly enjoyed the mad genius podcast function of my new iPod Nanos. (The fact I've done, as it were, Vorgeburtstagsgeschenk ^ ^) I was just hours and a half times more on the way, enjoyed the day, and found a few new pages in Matsuyama and met. I hope I can still do something even if I worked somewhere, sometime. For just what is it the true joy of life, or not? Just enjoy life times.

So, there are still a couple of trip reports, Hiroshima and Kyoto. I'm not sure how I should write that, especially since quite a while has passed since then. Or should I just show you pictures? Oh, I just try to remember as best as I can.

Here comes Hiroshima:

As you may remember, I was the weekend before my Hiroshima trip quite sick, had me smooth sustained a juicy cold was (certainly the worst cold that I have so far had, but do not worry, I've got over ^ ^). And when I think about it, maybe it was going to not be a good idea on Monday still on the Kendo training (but that was made, my Kendo zeal, this sneaky) ^ ^, but I was there, and then I was with the other Kendoka at the Uniabschlussfeier to adopt our sempai. I had not really before, because I am the same day, still had to Hiroshima (the hostel was eventually posted), but in the end it was a very good idea. Thus, a Japanese graduation ceremony may be missed that is not when one is only a year in Japan. That's a pretty big deal here. Since then fly sometimes even in Japanese the air ^ ^ And everywhere run these beautiful kimonos (this particular one wears somehow only the closing ceremony, a combination of Dogi and Hakama, even for women! oh, so beautiful Unfortunately, I have no pictures of it, why should not I? must go to Mark to ask if he has what ^ ^ around), even some men who have to, but this is rather a rare sight (really bad). And I was in the middle of the crowd and had no idea of anything, but I still congratulated ^ ^

And then I had to hurry, I wanted to catch a ferry. And how small Janice comes to the port, the good 8 km (or so) blurts was? With the bike course. Pretty stupid idea if you ask me, after all, she was quite ill. But at least they had managed in 45 minutes, and even then had to spend a little time. On the ferry, they could be God rest you something.

(At the end of the trip is but a train from the port went home, but then had the next day the bike to get from the port. Well, was just been a stupid idea, especially in my state * gg *)

In Hiroshima, I was not alone. A friend and a friend of my friend I met in Hiroshima and together we have spent two and a half days. Or the first day, two people with the process with us to the island of Miyajima howsoever caused.

If you Miyajima says nothing, it does not matter. All these Japanese names, I could not even remember. And so I tell you now that is what is special about this island. Miyajima is in fact a God, or better said, Kami, like the gods are mentioned here. And because one of gods running around not really so should be allowed to enter a couple of years the island has not at all (or maybe just the Schintopriester and monks, or so, no idea). And so is the corresponding shrine built even on the island, but most of the island, in the mud, so to speak (if containing low tide). And SO is the gate of the shrine (which is at each shrine is, we recognize the fact) right in the water (high tide) or halt in the mud (at low tide). Pretty cool sight, and rather famous, supposedly the most photographed attraction in Japan. See for yourself:

not it beautiful? I will still times to Miyajima. I hope it works out. ^ ^

There are of course not only this gate on the island, but also a few temples and the hall of a thousand tatami mats (here a name for it, how big the hall is a thousand tatami mats wait, not that there really are any), the old wooden structure is no longer understand. Say, no one on earth has a clue how to build something. Really none, forgotten knowledge, so to speak. Kinda sad.

And since you can enter the island, has of course a small town with souvenir shops and expensive restaurants and guesthouses formed. And if you do not want to spend a lot of money, then you should not miss the last ferry by five clock ^ ^

The next day was Hiroshima turn. We have of course the Peace Memorial Museum and visited us the atom-Dom viewed (or vice versa, until the cathedral, then the museum), and then we were very tasty Italian food, and then among others in an art museum (because I noticed how interesting it is to look at museums, which I then in Kyoto have made. This has been a good idea ^ ^ museums are really great, you should go once in a ^ ^). By the way I've found in this museum (or more precisely, in the museum shop) a postcard with Freiburg motif (painted). Was kind of funny ^ ^ Have they bought, of course.

And the next day before we had to drive back home, we've also been to an art museum, which just showed a very modern exhibition. And if you go to the, we also know where bin Laden resides precisely: in Japan. Besides, he speaks perfect Japanese. Where did he have learned? And I hope so, that one soon used everywhere in the world that a barrier strip that tells you that everything is in order. You feel the same but better. (I would have made it like a photo of it, or better yet something like this taken ...^^)

And I have eaten far too much in Hiroshima, but that was all so delicious!

Fairly ready, and still pretty cold, I came back in Matsuyama.

Hiroshima must have really seen times (especially halt because of the atom's Cathedral and the Peace Memorial Museum) (Hiroshima and Miyajima anyway !!!), but also has its own unique atmosphere. It occurred to me that has held until now that Hiroshima does not feel Japanese. Sure, there are running around everywhere and you see all these Japanese comic character, behind which it is supposed to be a highly significant sense, but I found that I had in another city can be anywhere in the world. Perhaps because Hiroshima is so new and everything old, everything was destroyed by the traditional nuclear bomb. I mean not at all negative, it was just a feeling.

So that was Hiroshima, very nice place, really. Oh, and the castle (a reconstruction, rather disappointing, as the Osaka Castle, but more in the next report, perhaps) we were.

In Hiroshima, I have not really made a lot of pictures, so here are just two:

The day after I home (where I had to get my bike from the port, in the morning, early, very early, cold and still is) a kind of friendship tournament was here in Matsuyama between some Kendo Club. Because I was still sick so, I have not been through (Or can not participate), but only watched. Actually, I might have to be sad about it, but I was not at all. Actually, I was glad that I did not participate, "had" because I like (yet) a kendo tournament. I still have not found the inner fighting spirit for it. Actually, I'm not very interested in Winning, I lack the will still make the point. I do not know my attitude is certainly not in the sense of Kendo, but if it does not "fun" then I wait rather that this is all over, and if that means that the other wins. And if I know that the other is better than me, and me Men on first strikes, why should I still take time? If I know I have absolutely no chance, then why try? Why not add a bit of practice on until you get a chance? Just to get experience in the competition? No thanks. If I lose and win all the time not even a flower pot, that's pretty devastating for some time, and perhaps even a negative effect on my Kendo.

And now I can dissect all Kendo fanatics and Grand Master in the air, because that does not determine the meaning of Kendo is thought.

set Kendo actually make "fun"? But if there is no fun does, then I would not do it. And mostly it's fun in some way. Sometimes it does so * gg * hurt, but I'm inclined masochistic anyway, I've found * ggg *

So, that was then the last week of March this year. Next, then comes the Kyoto trip, and then after that has already begun the university again. And since that is already happening a lot, buy a paper chase for example, or three times a karaoke in a week, or another interesting museum, and several parties with the Kendoka (and for had I even a white T-shirt. Actually, I would like to buy a white blouse need, but that is my only occurred when I ran out of money, and the white shirt has done it in the end.) Kanjiunterricht together with a dear friend (when I'm with her I would never have classes together), Preparations for my birthday party, dinner with friends, Physics lectures again in Japanese (in understanding what time is again quite an obstacle) and the purchase of an Ipod Nano (3rd generation). Oh, and a bottle of wine has also played a role, and a night in which I slept only three hours and not even good. (And why would not go away then get up when I said he should go * gg * But do not worry, I was like. He did not, he has a girlfriend. ... .. Uh, okay, so far as to * gg * What you must now think of only me and why I mention this to you? Well, I'm predisposed not only masochistic, exhibitionistic, but also (and the word I can not write again oo).) And did I mention the chocolate I've forgotten the time? Now she is at my home and wants to be eaten, but I will eat healthy again! Oh, what must be a hard fate, I only suffer.

is now really call it a day, now it has become quite dark and I'm extremely hungry, and tomorrow morning's workout, where I really want to go, Kendo, of course. Kendo is the way, in the morning quite pleasant, I must say. Whether we get the times in Denzlingen go? May indeed be only an hour quietly, just like that, so to speak, as a start to the day.

Okay, makes it good, you really love, until next time

your Janina, by the way, comes in just under four months again!


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