Friday, May 14, 2010

If, after I die.

In case anybody was wondering, where my user name came from, it's from this incredible poem
case anyone wondered why is my username, it comes from this incredible poem

If, After I Die

If, after the I, they should want to write my biography,
There's nothing simpler .
I've just two dates - of my birth, and of my death.
In between the one thing and the other all the days are

I am easy to describe.
I lived like mad.
I loved things
without any sentimentality.
I never had a desire I could not fulfil, because
I never went blind.
Even hearing was to me never more than an
accompaniment of seeing.
I understood that things are real and all different from
each other;
I understood it with the eyes, never with thinking.
To understand it with thinking would be to find them
all equal.

One day I felt sleepy like a child.
I closed my eyes and slept.
And by the way, I was only Nature poet

- Fernando Pessoa
Mh, tell me about your favorite poems, Perhaps?
Tell me about your favorite poems?

Today it is extremely hot and I have another sunburn (yes again) although I used tons of sunscreen. I want to see Taj Mahal and maybe I can not sleep at nigh, because I feel horrible and maybe it is hard to tell my heart to stop feeling like stone, but I want to see the Taj Mahal and if that is not a reason to be happy, what else could be?

Today it is so extremely hot and I'm already sunburned, even though I've used lots sunscreen. I will be the Taj Mahal and I can not sleep at night and perhaps it is hard to say my heart to stop it is like stone anzufuehlen, but I will see the Taj Mahal und wenn das kein Grund ist gluecklich zu sein, weiss ich auch nicht weiter.


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