first: LISTEN TO THE SONG It's like!. ~ ~ .. my theme for India
! But yeah, India's internet is not to be trusted, so LiveJournal was not working the past 2 days.
However, the "party" was basically a bonfire at the beach with the hungarian hippie and the tibet guy. But it was still great, the morning after, I had breakfast with the hungarian hippie and he really is a source of inspiration, he's 74, been to prison, been a millionaire twice, lost everything twice, worked all over the world, he's quirky in every way, he's smart and we talked about politics and ethics and he's just what I was looking for, the perfect character for my story, it's a pity he had to leave only 2 days after we met.
Yesterday I met a Yoga teacher from Portugal and we had the most interesting conversation about conspiracy theories throughout history, history in general and how so many huge cultures just vanished (the Incas, Mayas, ancient Egyptians, etc etc) and how much knowledge and technology they must have had of which we will never know (also the library of Alexandria) and how we are both convinced that Leonardo da Vinci had his sources (i.e. the Vatican) an didn't invent everything on his own. It was amazing talking to him, he has been working here since January 1st as a yoga teacher and received lessons in meditation in return. Sadly the Yoga center is closed now, otherwise I could have taken lessons there =/
Anyway, I spend my days traveling around Goa and its beaches, everything here is so incredibly beautiful! There are a lot of abandoned houses/temples/churches slowly falling apart while nature takes back what belonged to her in the first place and it's as if every building screams at me, wants me to tell its story. I don't know, I'm just overwhelmed by the presence of history here.
OH AND PLEASE could someone enlighten me as to how I can make a proper vlog? I wanted to show you my mosquito bites and ramble about some things ya know but then Movie Maker messes up the speed of the video (while audio stays at normal speed) and I don't know what to do it's frustrating. (this is directed at you
I'll stop here although I could tell you so much more! I need to figure out how to make videos.
btw: today I spent 40 rupees on my breakfast (a pancake and a Chai tea) that is 0.50 euros and $ 0.75
EXCUSE MY ABSENCE! But India's Internet is quite unzuverlaesig livejournl and the last two days did not work!
Anyway, the "party" was actually a camp fire with the Hungarian hippie and Tom Schilling. But it was still great the next morning I had breakfast with the hippie and he is truly a source of ispiration. He is 74, was in prison, was twice a millionaire and has lost twice ales, he is 100% strange but very clever auc we talked about politics and ethics, and he's exactly what I have sought to write about a character you can get. It it so sad that he is already 2 days after I had hit him had to leave = /
Yesterday I met a yoga teacher au Portugal and we had an infinitely more interesting discussion of conspiracy theories throughout history! On the history and invertebrate and like so many great cultures are simplicity verschunden (Incas, Mayas, the ancient Egyptians, etc) and what kind of knowledge and technologies have had had to se that we will never know (even the Library of Alexandria) and that we are both convinced that Leonrdo da Vinci had his sources (ie, the Vatican) and not what ales today's technology is based solely invented. There was talk wudnervoll with him, he has taught here since January first learned yoga and meditation techniques for this. Unfortunately, the Yoga Center is now closed, he would have me sont lessons can EEnter = /
any case, I verbrigne my days Durc Goa and its beaches to travel, everything here is so beautiful unglaublih! There are many abandoned houses / temple / churches that are slow to ruins, and while the nature brings back what is hers anyway. nd it feels just as each would yell at me and Building Wollner, that I tell his story. No Idea, I'm just overwhelmed by the history of the ueerall ere present.
OH AND PLEASE could someone tell me about it clear up, how do I do regular vlogs? I wanted to show you my mosquito bites undallgemein talk about a few things but then amcht the Windows Movie Maker broke the video (the audio is normal, but the video runs too fast?) And I know what I nciht amce wrong, it's frustrating! (This goes to you
will stop here, though I could tell you some eingies more! I really must find out how to make videos! However, I have paid
heute40 rupees for my breakfast (a Chai and a pancake) the sin about 50cent.
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