Yesterday was another one of "Well, what I do and do I even know what?" tag.
levels? No, not really, although Uldum is next on the schedule.
Twink? Oh no, I'm like crazy on the weekend.
What else? So just scrolled
Thrallmar is still respectful.
My Priest has much more life.
Okay ... in the heroic Hellfire Ramparts instances!
Previously I have not done the quest, because the are so even 150 reputation points and also they are 3 Mark of Thrallmar and with whom I had ten of these badges for half an hour you get 25% more reputation (did you understand this now? Satzbaufail * *).
love And low-level alliance players, if you stand on the building that should I take for my quest, all I had nothing else than for you to cut down, or does not move my bar! And no, it's not enough even if you go ten meters!
And it's boring to cut down low-level characters, which does not benefit anyone!
some point they have got it (or have been long enough dead) and I could complete my quest and off you went into the stronghold.
Damn it, the cut yes still so firmly!
And for what I'm actually a sign if the times can not take a few blows from level 70 elite mobs? What about level 85 players? Must look at the only obliquely so that it disappears? Ridiculous!
Nevertheless I made it alive through the instance (the bosses were so nice and easy) and also through the blood vessel healing I am come (even if it was really just part). Only have I done to the Shattered Halls nonhero and were really very much more relaxed than before. But what's bringing so that I now have much more life! With 25.7%
I started after the three instances, the percentage stood at 64.1 - yay!
So a couple of times in, then I'm awesome and am looking forward to another success:)
then I still have a few rounds in Kalimdor taken a few digs to make, at least I still had to complete a rare project: Bones of the transformation.
pity that the transformation only lasts 20 seconds.
After I dug up the fossil in a spiral-shaped ammonite shell at last I finally get the fossils Raptor to face, to which I have always been waiting all the time. Unfortunately, it was then too late to gather yesterday to continue and therefore it was only today to the Assembling.
What happened?
only two hours long night elves! would be (a few trolls and Tol'vir between)
can not be true, but I would now stayed awake so long until the Raptor in one piece. Fortunately, he is completely for a few minutes:)
Mount No. 120 * heart *
the success there was also
And as you can see I have just three Tol ' vir excavations but indeed a rare project! And then also a really great Casterring wuuuhuuu! (Sorry, can spawn only in the Tol'vir Uldum)
can's see what the - Greyhound Kaldorei: The Night Elf has also opened a rare again.
But seriously: There were a few years time someone really afraid of me, but had added about Deathwing also afraid of me? Where is the
drives around? I've
durchgequestet Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms complete, I fly around constantly in the area would facilitate archeology, but do you think of the type sometimes appear un barbecue the area? Nope! Coward!
Oh yes ... I do not really like the could happen:
Lowers times the experience of Archaeology, that's really not normal.
Pooh, ie the maximum level. Cool ... I queste then again: D
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