"You Have the state seen by the devil Steinfeld? The armed forces of the Alliance of Andorhal have the area taken over and use it to ... to build ... crops!
Because I liked it almost better than the scourge of the area was still occupied. At least she had the sense to make a huge epidemic boiler in the middle to the field. "
"So that I call" Rummy! "I wish all the potions were so!"
"It was a horse-drawn cart full of boxes and chests, with a Worgenfrau on the box, a blood elf at her side and a Dwarf Paladin, which ran behind the cart and the most creative obscenities shouted, I've heard in a long time. "
" These grenades are explosive, not more. Even as a member of the Royal Apothecary Society, I realize that some problems can not be solved by throwing more plague upon them. "
" I do not pay for it, for fear of spiders ... I pay them for work. "
" Last week I had a ball dress to Lieutenant Myner sold what seemed to me a little strange. "
" I think he might have a future as a healer. This is mainly because you do not shoot in addition to healing spells can. "
Western Plaguelands were mostly from Scourge cleaned and not just the landscape but also the animals have recovered. People back to their fields - only if the in the immediate vicinity of the Forsaken is really such a good idea is another question.
To Andorhal a fierce battle there between the Horde, led by Koltira death Weber, and the Alliance, led by ... I have no idea what his name * cough * / and I am now nachzuschauen too lazy)
At my job overwhelms me to take care of dark master Gandling find me this (it's probably not so funny that I should cut him)
But Koltira (and the alliance-type) comes and saves me - yay!
And now for the direct comparison
Now honestly, Koltira has way more style! The
armor. The sword. It just fits! This has style!
And also see blood elves great in drive!
My best friend is running around as well, but it is still a big fan of so'n Koltira = (
And then there was this elf * spit *
Traut never a night elf!
Although she stands with her from the Argent Crusade Tabard and acts as if it were neutral - pah! Makes me do their dirty work and then I clap this guy and what do I get to hear from her?
"So ... So you have an Argent Crusaders killed in the middle of Hearthglen is. Normally, something dismissed not so easy, even if it is about self-defense.
I suggest you follow me to Burg Mardenholde and face Highlord Fordring . If you are lucky, he will hear you and sympathize with your situation. I hope I have not brought you into trouble. "
Neiiiin, no troubles, you *'&/%$%$(/'*!!!
So I go to Tirion - what he wants to do that? I've often used them in his arms! But Tirion, my old buddy from Northrend looks to me a bit critical, it strikes me winks and then complimenting to the shoulder. I knew that but that gives no trouble. The next night elf that I meet that I drive you crazy =)
Oh, and supports the petition Here is WoW (other than wild forest spiders) !
For less spiders in this game. Can not be true! I like because there's no Vashj'ir-spinning!
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