died in the Voidzone?
Well, I think this certainly has reason for it:
I have to laugh now when I read it.
currently sees my presence ingame this: Tol Barad - Dailys - Tol Barad - dailies.
I really love Tol Barad has also certainly nothing to do with my personal victory-Qout 100% * cough *
We beat ourselves not bad and at least the evening's Tol Barad in the hands of the Horde, with the last two battles were really very exciting and just as well.
Now you can say "Defending is much easier than attacking, so we must keep only one point" , all I would say the easiest battle I had yesterday as the aggressor and that was not some time to night hours, but about 18 clock.
looked at the watch-keeper's bad. We threatened to be overwhelmed when suddenly people started to leave the raid. Huh? Have I missed?
Yes, and we have won.
I was not the only one who was surprised by the lack of defense.
The battle was last night it really exciting. That was a tremor to the last second. The Alliance was owned by Erzraffinerie and guardians guard and stormed the Iron grad garrison. I was so nervous and excited, I think even if someone's phone rang or I would have called, I would not like mitgekriegt.
The Horde has control of the Iron Garrison lost
The alliance has lost control of the Erzraffinerie
* almost slipped off the chair * Puuuuh.
The Horde Tol Barad defended
* wipes sweat from forehead * That was damn close, my friends!
And so the battle is much more fun when one has his own personal enemy. You know, 20 players for a rum and he rushes over again just to you. Such
I had already two. Once a gnome death knight, and even human warriors who have eaten at Zuljia NEN fools.
And with a personal enemy you must not only one: do not die - try to give everything to him, not the satisfaction to have you defeated!
The warrior is always running up my psychic horror: D
I had fun, but I also had a healer in the back (! Much love to our great healer)
My PvP gear is growing and growing: yesterday came even to gloves and a ring I can afford.
The success of the dailies, I'm doing pretty good
Simple success. equally relaxed on the first attempt made
The success has really annoyed me. I had the quest already often and always made sure to get no damage from the mushrooms, but I'm simply not gekreigt success. I even sought the forum, but there I was able to be not really.
Yesterday was the quest turn again and this time I have addressed both the shaman and Glop tagged and behold, it worked well even with the Erfolf - yay!
As you can see I'm pretty successful the last few days and collected so I come now to right my next entry * * höhö
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