Actually I think about my abilities to not much, either do damage, healing buff, debuff or ridicule - that's it, more I want to also do not break your head.
Well, actually just ... but yesterday I've ever thought about the sense and nonsense of preachers and archangels. For all non-priests a little explanation:
When casting your spell "Holy Agony, an opportunity exists at 100% while casting your spell Mind Flay a 100% chance to get the effect 'preacher'. Up to 5 times stackable. Lasts 20 sec.
preacher (Holy Pin)
Increases the damage of your spell Holy Smite, Holy Fire and Penance spells by 4% and reduces the mana cost of spells by 6%.
Dark Preacher (Mind Flay)
Increases the damage done by your periodic spells by 2% shade.
consumes your effect 'preacher', and replaced depending on the type of the consumed 'Prediger' effect of another effect.
Archangel (preacher)
Instantly 1% of your total mana and increases your healing per stack, caused by 3%. Lasts 18 seconds long. 30 sec cooldown.
Dark Archangel (Dark Preacher)
Instantly 5% of your total mana and increases your spell damage Mind Flay, Mind sting ', Mind Blast and Shadow Word: Death by 4% per stack. Lasts 18 seconds long. 90 sec cooldown.
as shadow priests can not complain because - 20% more damage and 25% mana for free - what more could you want? (Nen shorter CD: P)
Now yesterday I was traveling with my discipline Priest, level 38 right now delicate, and with her I'm a preacher and also Archangel geskillt because wings!
Twice armory, two tanks, two different healing experiences:
tank No. 1 - in a word: Boring. Plate and that is it, in between times ne renewal, was not to make more real. Enough time and opportunity that is massacring the mobs with holy pain.
tank No. 2 - phew, here was no cut with mobs, because the tank needed my full attention and I could use my whole repertoire of healing spells. Was fun, at least I was sure even in the instance
Now let's see with regard preachers and Archangel:
For tank 1, I could comfortably smite the way, as they say, and could fire up regularly Archangel. Pretty wings and 15% more healing - yay!
was Unfortunately, the additional Cure completely unnecessary because it was simply not needed, but at least I had pretty wings!
For tank 2 was no way to continue to do damage, because he needed treatment on healing, but that is where I would have been about 15% more healing power very happy.
makes in my view it does not really make sense, but maybe I've got the mechanics still not quite down about, maybe it is better if I apologize skills - visit. In the meantime, can I please just took me my wings as often as I
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