"releasing your grip ... no do not let go!"
"Do not be shy. Forward beak can only fall a few times a rider."
"I am a daughter of the Wildhammer clan and a Shaman of the Earthen Ring. My code commands me to honor my ancestors and the elements. Pott From ugly ogres there's no question."
"NEEEEIIIIN ... not again!"
"This is Steinruh!" (I ought to think strongly of Sparta * g *)
"do not bother in his tone. He is old and cranky and would have been in front of thousands of years Earth shall return. "
" All right. Perhaps you are still in order.
All right, all right ... get you back on. "
gravel moose looks around and seems to be excited about something. After a few seconds of confusion, he stops and stares at you with big gleaming jewel eyes.
As much as you have ever tried, against this view You are simply powerless.
"You are a fool. A confident fool. We'll see if you are also a capable fool. "
" It is small, like you. But still dangerous, also like you. "
my great plan that I stay at level 83 and the first two instances as long as I'm going to have all of it, I've been rejected. Experience again and on we go in depth home.
First you go on an alliance airship to take more there to me with a dwarf. The crew is dead, well, at least up to one.
The guy really has my respect!
is the way it's pretty silly if the "I'll now friendly before I drop dead" mechanism takes too late and you again for respawn of the mob wait
So slap on the next time then more slowly and have works well with the Questmobs's.
But the creature is quite to my taste! Especially the way they are prisoners interrogated * fg *
The Deepholm quests quite amusing, so hidden is, for example, in a box for an interview listen to:
or you will be sent directly through the ground behind enemy lines:
And there are also quite cute quest giver:
(gief pet me!)
Besides, there was also the same for their success, I have brought mining to 525
(and since the cash register ringing * * höhöhö)
Very nice, I think, incidentally designed the area around Therazane throne
Therazane The design, however, is now so .. . not so pretty
Sorry for the few details about the individual things, but currently no time for WoW / blog, but if I did not accumulate write, then back to everything (including the reports on the low-level quest areas * cough *)
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