log Whether I can before the battle is over?
1000 Winter was not even that bad.
clear and if I am then logged in, I'm out of the battle group can and new hope that I may again participate in the battle * puke *
Okay, got it finally has made it into the battle and not just looked good for the Horde. Two buildings were already part of the alliance and they stormed straight up to the third. But
Horde Horde is finally back!
Since fought to the death.
And in the end we have shown the Alliance who are the masters. Ha! According to the statement we have chatting
Tol Barad now been 5 days almost continuously.
Not bad. Why does no one actually says
that it on the other Peninsula dailies still exist? Today
first seen, oh man!
EDIT: you have already completed 25 daily quests WTF?
class, now I can not even make all the daily quests. Great cinema.
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