Rarely have me as excited as daily quests in Tol Barad. Feels 10,000 players crammed into this island and everyone wants to hit the same mobs and collect objects. Argh! Although I
fire from heaven in Uldum worse think. As you can also always felt to 20 players ne kloppen handful of mobs, some of which are still too buggy and just standing around and only so do not count when they shoot. ARGH!
But you just bites through Sun
Did yesterday even then participated in a Battle of Tol Barad. I have not noticed much because it was like ne slideshow. I hammered like crazy on my magic and wonder why the guy just do not DoT is all about until I realize that I'm caught in a huge lag, the skin felt it from the server and I also first did not want to be on it again.
When I came back I was out of the raid - hurray!
We even won!
I do not know how, but we won.
Maybe I should have read before to what it is about. I just knew that you have to take what.
I died once, even though I had only paltry 400 Resilience * proud *
good healer in the back are worth gold!
Were even the guild success people butcher .
Yesterday I got my whole point cut on his head, that is, honor points and justice issues. Honor points ranged only used for a piece of jewelry for Justice points there's at least two parts: shoulders and pants. By now I am hero-ready, or so they say that the Dungeon Finder. I personally would not write like this now and I will not expect me others that I enter ne Hero (where the instances I still do not even know to normal). Although I have yet to
inside base, but I am not even spell decently and that is actually not!
Otherwise, if someone is looking for me, I sit at home and low Jadezahn campestris. Tonight, I've only seen him dead, but if seven hours respawn agree about, I just a rough time when he shows up next time (and that's in 20 minutes, and woe if not!). Oh yes: Kush, Kush Nachtelfjäger, you go away will you!
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