Uncle Tom's Fairy Tales title of the story: Vampire Kiss .
Fandom: Harry Potter .
Author's Name: black angel The boring plot: Harry is Voldemort's son . And a demon. In addition, he is actually Alex and Dumbledore is evil. Voldemort and Snape are on top of that a couple and stay in a Manor. Ergo, everything is as always in Badficland!
The anti-quality of the characters: Badfic So Dumbledore is quite in character ...
The most typical RS / G error: drive bring tears to the eyes
if you missed the first part should, is not about fate, but right here
Excerpts from the worst of the story: Harry woke up by the hiss of a snake. He tried to escape the noise, as he pulled his pillow over his head and simply turned to the other side. The snake's behavior seemed Harry did not fit, so she wriggled over him.
you meandered to Harry's face and looked at him closely. Then she spoke.
"Harry you have to get up at last, the breakfast is ready." Yes, today there are unfortunately only one chapter, since it is awfully long and boring.
4th The truth comes to light
[In this chapter we learn that Severus and Tom live in an enlightened society in which children may even be Harry Potter without being assassinated by the parents ...] Harry monitored by the hiss of a snake on. He tried to escape the noise, as he pulled his pillow over his head and simply turned to the other side.
[That's what I would do if I were sure that a snake was sitting next to my bed.] The snake seemed to Harry's behavior does not fit, so she wriggled over him.
[Something tells me this is no ordinary snake here in Slytherin Manor. A Snape, it's a Snaaaaaaaape And then it gets dirty.] [It's a snake ... but maybe she still has a robe. ... As the snake Harry says that breakfast is ready, he finally decides stand up.] Harry closed his eyes, to then move on to make. But before him was still a small snake in a huge bed.
[Not to be confused with the giant snake in a small bed, sitting behind him. Behind this is a very funny, but unfortunately not for this Fic relevant history.] There, Harry's thoughts spiked again.
~ What kind of a snake and especially where I am? ~
[And why is straw everywhere around here?] The snake Harry watched closely and wondered how they go now, should continue. She saw the puzzled look of Harry and concluded only in peace time to explain everything.
~ Why keep such tasks always depend on me? ~ Thought the snake and began to clear up Harry very sensitive.
[I know nicht.Eigentlich it should be the task of his new dads, but I can imagine why people like it forwards them to staff, a boy, who has spent time in his life, a biology classroom has seen from the inside to to explain where they come from ass births. Is just nasty, because a snake can not, of course the telling gesture.] [The snake tells us that her name is Sera and Harry is on the lock of Master Tom and his partner Severus.] "You need have no fear, because here you will not do anything. Otherwise you'd intended not here in this room but in a prison of
[prison? But not Lie. This is now the hobby room and spa area] . So why should my master only bothering to provide up to you then to bring? "Asked Harry Sera.
[Man, this snake is good. From front to back by planned. This Voldi just want that Harry is conscious when he throws it with cookies.] [Harry be totally color-through toll-designed room nice and cozy place and therefore no longer afraid. The miraculous powers the Fēngshuǐ] "Nah you see what I mean, now calm down again. And now you want to have for breakfast? "Sera said as she looked relaxed, Harry and his muscles relaxed.
[This hypnosis trick makes for snakes known easier to swallow the prey at a time.] [Harry wonders a little about his situation until Sera decides that Harry is sure what to wear Great.] "Where do I get her what to wear?" Harry asked the snake, in this room not only the bed, but also several cabinets, a wide variety of Sizes were.
[Harry's male, male Badfic genes are overwhelmed by so much choice.] "You see the tall, black cabinet on the north side? There would have to actually find clothes, "Sera said it.
[The north side of the room identified by the fact that she is the only one that is not covered with moss.] [for a moment, I had doubt in fact whether I actually still a Badfic had before me:] He picked at random in the closet and pulled out a black trousers and to a dark red shirt.
[He is planning his outfit not complete by up to the glittering eye shadow, the straps with the beautiful butterfly embroidery and the funny hat? Whoa! See] "If you're looking for the bathroom that you do when you turn up and just go straight on, Sera adds as Harry had his things.
[It's up to the south side of the room. Key indicators are that it faces the north side.] [Description of the bathroom. Harry finally sees in the mirror.] What he saw was simply no longer represents his own reflection. He could not believe his eyes. There, silver eyes looked back. Slowly, he reached into his long white hair. They were smooth, and ranged down to his ankles
[. But they were only for the wearer visible in the mirror and could not be felt. That made it difficult to people to stare evil by its curtain, because he could never be sure if the other side of the evil eye could appreciate at all, and on some days woke Harry sweat and ran whimpering through the house, when he dreamed that he would ne bald head, which he then could not check in the dark, namely, but was positive that it traumatized the traumatized-to-the-ground-and-stare at wind-cycling-never could take the view] .
But most astonished him his greatness. For in the meantime was he 1.85 m 1.64 m and no more puny. Harry found his new look just great.
[Harry was a real stud!] ~ So I will not identify specific
Is [. You'll be too busy trying to run away screaming rather than risk a close look.] see and above all, I sometimes look good. Although my skin could use some more color. Because I'm a little whiter than Snape
[Snape is indeed of such a striking, unhealthy ash-gray color, that they became part of the hex codes of the official black and white scale.
] or any vampire
[Various indigenous people to measure the purity of snow layers in SNAP (SNP)] . But I can live with. ~ Harry thought and took off his clothes to go into the shower.
He enjoyed it clearly as the hot water, looked over his body, his way
[The playful curls curly hair, tickling over the left eyebrow, the eye ball - thanks God for "No Tears" baby shampoo - across the Nose around the right corner of the mouth around, then carefully moved along the jaw bone, the neck, and more exciting descriptions at some point directly to the asshole] . Sun under the water jet He completely forgot that he did not know where he was or what had happened lately.
sera slept with his clothes, looked in all the rest of
[finds no one cause for concern?] until they realized it was time for breakfast.
"You should tighten up slowly, as breakfast starts in a few minutes
[Today Thomas Gottschalk does make this guest appearance in which he kills Florian Silbereisen with the cheese grater!] . So come [is full, the hard disk from the digital recorder breakfast!] Out of the shower
"Sera ripped Harry from his thoughts.
[...] Harry looked in the mirror and noticed that the clothes looked great on him.
[perceived After 3 decades, Harry finally breaks away from his flawless mirror, and asks when it is breakfast.] "Yes, that's why I'm here. I will show you the path. So, I will lead you to the dining room or do you consider you prefer to continue in the mirror? "Asked back Sera
[irritated] .
[Meanwhile, she had missed the opening credits.] Harry nodded in response and watched Sera. This
read from the cabinet slide down and moved to the bathroom Door. There she stood in front of the door. Harry knew what he wanted from Sera and gave her the door.
[Well, is already shitty if you do not have thumbs ...] Sera rose head wound on
[How is it ever got in the room will forever remain a mystery] .
[Before she leaves Harry in front of the breakfast room alone, she has an important lesson for us] "I have to see now after my daughter Slay, since it has not yet bound to another living being
[The snakes are bind to human beings and in the unbound state will need a lot of attention is but common knowledge.] . So you have no fear roars, but I gotta go. "Sera said this
[" this is "exactly the kind of trivial small talk, one would expect from a staff member. There is absolutely no chance at all that this information in the FIC will ever picked up again.] and read Harry alone back at the door.
[He enters, first described in minute detail, the dining table, and then finally Harry's host] One person like this was his Potions Professor Snape, who smiled at him kindly
[. He tried anyway. The resulting grimace killed 30km Next a little baby. Just like that] . Harry looked at him and just did not know how to deal with this snap
[as with the other 4 Snape, too?] . For this
Snape smiled at him and stood on the side of Voldemort. learned not to compare with the Gar Snape Harry know the date had
[or with the other two Snape, who lived in his head. Being one of them is now so called Madame Giselle and tidy shaved] . His eyes went to the second person on that are not looked after Voldemort, but had to be.
He looked like 26 now, and had long black hair. For this he had a muscular Köperbau.
] [...] ~ The worst is still to come when he realizes the first time why he is here
[Tom has bought extra hard biscuits] and who he is and we do. ~ Tom thought struck him as the behavior of Harry.
[Harry sits down. Awkward silence. Meaningful glances are exchanged? "Should I attack him or you?" And then there is the obligatory for any FF ...] ------------- ----------- Review -
[... for things that could have been in the last chapter to mention] Severus brought Tom in his room and sat it down on the bed. Tom was totally dissolved, and spoke something in Parsel before them. Severus looked at Tom, wondering how he got him out of his shock back out.
[It is because this trick with a hammer and 2 heavy magnet ... how important it is that he can use his legs yet?] ~ What do I do with him and above all, why is this happening? It must lie in the conversion of Potter, otherwise he would have responded long ago to Potters presence. [Add vegetate for a drooling, babbling piece of wood is merely Toms normal reaction to nuts in the evening.]
~ Severus, Tom decided to speak softly and to find out why he reacted Sun
He sat down with Tom on the bed and took him to the arm. Slowly, he rocked back and forth, and Tom whispered soothing words in his ear
["kill them all ..."] . Tom eased slowly into Severus' arms and started to understand what is seen.
[ "Oh, God, Snape poisoned me daily with his cooking skills so he can swing me after like a baby in her arms. I gotta get out "? ] ~ I always thought my son would have died at birth. But that was our family crest on his shoulder
[There could be a very ugly mole, but of course grown tattoos make more sense ...] . But how could that be? This is my son lying in the room and I wanted to kill for years. ~
[Stop! No, no! Back that goes too far. Tom is still the bad and everything is in the books actually happened? But Dumbledore, Ron, and also still angry? And Snape is love? ... Oh, God, life has no meaning.] [Tom is making terrible accusations and Snape is confused. Snape, that's normal. We are both caught in that terrible parallel universe.] "I almost killed him. I almost killed my own son. Can not you ? Understand, "Severus yelled at Tom and turned to him in order to look him in the eye. Severus saw Tom in his eyes and looked at him while confused.
[With his eyes. His eyes! ... Sick shit!] "I always thought your son would have died long ago. How will you kill him then? Can you explain me then how do you want? "Severus replied quietly.
[Yes, tell me that! Will you let it rise again so that you can kill him? How is that, as a kind of re-tot-machung or something?] ~ I do not understand him. What does this have anything to do with his deceased son? And why is this happening now. That will not do with Harry's transformation have to do. ~
[To link to this, Severus took the Jeopardy tune.] [Severus has a terrible suspicion, and then snuggle up together the two frightened on the bed. And as they cuddle as this (Snape and Voldemort) Uncle Tom's Fairy Tales] begins where the two made it cozy. After Tom had made it comfortable, he began to tell.
"As you know I had a son 17 years ago with my former wife
[a ... a WHAT? F ... ... ff.f woman? It is something like a Badfic-Ass-Man without uterus? Where do you want for as the Baby ? Come out] . She then my son who was just days old, taken with him
[how to stop the making so if you want a divorce, but married to a completely insane hell is Lord. As far as all makes sense.] and disappeared
[Het Badfic in MY? Oh, God ... do not worry. OR may have played Tom the child. If you are a magician. This has been going anyway, even if a woman involved. There are prostheses] . But I and father
[sigh, more relationships with men. Now the world is back on track.] had found it quickly.
Unfortunately we only found my wife
[the Olle!] , but not my son. Then I changed it needs
[aka, the used model is exchanged for a newer. How to halt so that makes] what [I still do not regret the New
creates 30km / h more purrs like Snape in Chapter 3 and still shines like a vampire in the sun] . Since then, I find my son, but this search has now come to an end. [Then can the talent show on the subject are indeed canceled.]
I finally found my son. Unfortunately, none other than Harry Potter, my son and you need to say anything now
[we know that you're disappointed] . I am perfectly sure, because he bears the same tattoo as me and the rest of our family.
He is my son, for I bear the same tattoo as him. "Tom leaned back against Severus and looked at him sadly.
[Yet another reason to stick can be none. . There are just certain people with whom one might not be easily used] [Severus is an idiot:] ~ Tom has fallen in love with Harry even though he did not know Harry. He must love his son idolized, if he does not care who he is.
[But alas, he hit a Harry Potter, who is not related to him. Then the white hooded jackets are fresh from the cleaners and lit at night in the garden the cross!] [...] Tom curled up at Severus and saw him in the eye to read them.
[Severus advises Tom to tell Harry, who is whose demons spawn. But only after breakfast] ---------- ------------- end review
"Harry, I would like to discuss with you what after breakfast" Tom said to Harry garment.
[And that was an excellent, soothing statement. Then they had breakfast] The three then began to have breakfast. During the whole breakfast there was an awkward silence. You could view all that he was not feeling well. went after breakfast, the three in the salon to talk in peace.
[Voldemort's Salon is located on his billiards room] "So Harry, we have to tell you something," began Tom, pointing to Severus.
[Usually said Tom namely to "we" and the moldy piece of bread under the couch] [Tom warns Harry about to go alone in the forest] But to even up until the creatures in the woods accept. The creatures inside only tolerate me and my spouse in their realm. "
[power Sense. To kicking them out they would have the two touch, yes.] Harry, Tom had listened, almost fell off the chair when he heard that married the Tom and Snape were
[Same-sex marriage has been in Great Britain legalized lacking is, but they are making progress ... well ... so much for the depressing facts of the world. We now return back to our merry slating:] ~ Until now it runs but not that bad. like ~ Tom thought as he saw how Harry calmed down and began to Severus Harry.
[identified by the Snape began to take part in Harry's leg rub and drool uncontrollably. After It was clear contract that they would, Tom had never made the effort to the plastic film from his new furniture removed.] [Tom brings out the fact that Harry is a demon, because even Tom is a demon. Will Harry make it to link information together, or is it so slow in the brains like a body Snape?] Harry looked shocked at Tom, while his thoughts chased each other.
[Thoughts are free ... until they meet with more thoughts ... with a shotgun] [Harry finally agrees that it is better to have two completely insane Papis to have to live with the Dursleys and Dumbledore as mindless puppets to be.] ~ I have a family. A real family
[that tried to kill me, and heckled at school!] and the others I have used only anyway. So why should not I get to know the side of my father and take revenge for my past life?
[muahahaha!] ~ Harry let his thoughts
[seriously injured and bleeding from multiple bullet holes] behind and gave his feelings.
[Harry is crying for joy Tom's neck, and Snape is most deeply stirred. Blah, and then cuddle them all together again. On Snape's lap. And no one finds cause for concern?] [Harry asks a few questions for Tom, he can not answer them all. No one knows why Harry is a Potter. But Tom can tell the exciting story of Harry's abduction. Then cuddle all.] He looked a moment in Tom's eyes and could see the love in them for him. Harry nodded to Tom wanted the answers.
[Tom tells how he was happily married to a demon] The greatest happiness I was able to learn at your birth.
[Then he held him but probably not even in the ass. Crap.] [Voldis wife is a wicked witch and sent him immediately after birth with a drink in the realm of dreams, so she could get away with Harry. After the totally distraught father came to himself, he looked for his kidnapped son several (!!!) hours. Fortunately the woman was an absolute no-hoper versteckungstechnisch probably wanted the baby out but not back yet.] ~ Actually, it has indeed tried to kill you, but I would rather not say. ~ Tom just said, and then continues.
[Well, that Tom was not together with Snape. The smile would merely need. Fortunately for all concerned, it is usually that is damn hard to kill babies within a few hours. This baby is so heavy acid-soluble protective layer] [Tom has a hard-won battle against his wife.] I was there to pick up behind a tree out
[1A hiding place for newborns. State-examined. Other good hiding places are behind the lamppost on the main shopping area and in the cookie jar] when I heard a noise. From there I do not know anything more. When I came back to me you were gone and my wife [dead
Although Tom Harry then searched again a bit, but can not find -> Hide Advanced: Knothole.
Now that he has it again, he will give him but never again. Never again. muahahahaha is] [Harry's most urgent question of these revelations, of course, if he really is a super cool demon] "Yes you are! the only we can wake up only after your complete say exactly what you're a demon "answered Tom.
[All the poor reader who asked last time, then, because even if Tom looks like Harry, can rest easy, because here's the answer: No. Demon babies are like a cross between a lucky bags and butterflies. Only when the cocoon bursts, white you know if you can do with the content on the flea market money.] [then Harry goes to bed and Voldi and Severus to work. Such as holding the case.
And in the next chapter, Harry finally learns his true name! ! Voltage]