Sunday, February 20, 2011

How Did You Get Interested In Football?

The greatest of all time Emeste

Title: The greatest spell of Discworld
Fandom: Discworld
name of the criminal author: Lady Feana
beer was, thankfully, provided by: Archchancellor Bill Rincewind, University of dung, too, Viericks

Once again auditorium 7A9-1.

Since the last time Ponder and his team have made some changes Stibbon:
The front row seats were replaced by more comfortable chair (and's only, so Ponder has something that could tug at which he, if he ever was naked again to see the Omniskop), from the kitchen was a small supply of snacks (and he organized Notfall missiles, to the displeasure of giving expression) and the classification system is.
And Rincewind was not idle.

Rincewind: * package drawn in. *
Ponder: Good morning. You come heavily loaded for the next meeting.
Rincewind: For good reason. I thought after the last time I should take precautions.
Ponder: When the dried frog pills are I'll take you very, very bad. The last story was terrible but ...
Rincewind: Oh, pills. I know what better for such cases.
Ponder: * clipboard to the side leg * Oh? And what?
Rincewind: * * * package open box containing high * beer. From Viericks.
Ponder: You ...
Rincewind: Bill written, yes. Heh, if I find out already that I have more relatives than I've almost thought my whole life, ' I can surely reap the benefits out of it, right?
Skazz: box snap * * Is' good?
Ponder: It inspires courage in Rincewind.
Skazz: Goil.
Rincewind: What * is * space participating in today?
+ + + I thought after the last time I load a Category 1 history + + +

It should be noted that the categories range from 1-5. Category 1 includes harmless as useless works, while Category 5 are played only on an official health certificate and official proof of age. Lord Chancellor has Ridcully this stage, the note 'unhygienic. Keep away from Dean and Treasurer 'added.

Ponder: * Stretch and sit down * Well then.

+ + + Loading file 2097a29-4.9-336 421 + + +

Ponder: Oh, a new author.
+ + + author, to be exact + + +
Rincewind: Is that better or worse?
+ + + The decision is yours. Security Question: Pregnant or no longer sane + + +
Rincewind: No. * * Not looking for beer.
+ + + + + + Start file

--- The greatest spell of the Discworld --- --- --- Lady Feana

Rincewind: Thanks, yes sometimes no tears wounds. All right. Which of the four plus four is?

Chapter 1: The order

Rincewind: Wait, we get more than one chapter set before?
Ponder: Looks like it. Somehow, I'm your cousin already grateful for the beer.

Lith rode on her night-black horse leisurely step along the Ankh.

Skazz: Allow to age, 'go' total animal cruelty to the poor thing on the River. This has no legs but before the next sentence is finished '.

both bridle and the rider were kept completely in black, so the dark in the zones between the street lights only occasionally flared up the whites of the eyes of the horse. Lith even wore a black hooded jacket and had the Cape pulled low over his forehead.

Rincewind: I almost said 'Ah, Assassin' but ...
Ponder: Then it occurred to you that assassins know that one makes a fool if you take the hood of the cape, the cloak over his face pulls?
Rincewind: Ah yup.

No one who passed by her (which was always only drunk in this part of town or people who have their going about their business) would have suspected that under her coat three small, slender daggers and a sword was carefully wrapped in linen.

Skazz: Uh, but? Everyone? I mean, in the elevator can only be assassin or thief.

She had a long journey ahead.

all: * 'total' * We also enthusiastic.

As in so many evenings, she had also been sitting on this in their local pub "The patched bucket"

Rincewind: I know two farmers there that are 'determined' be pleased to hear that their Etablissemons have been merged.

and hard for her first andenes money (but they had to ensure smooth traveling with ten raised dagger ask to follow her and her kindly to leave their valuables so that they could be sure that they guarantee on their further journey NO opportunist thieves would waylay more)

Ponder: It's nice to see how well the author understands but the thing with the rate and the like of the thieves guild ...
Rincewind: Not at all.

spent on beer dwarf, as a tall, bony man with an eye patch went into the tap room.

Rincewind: death, is that you? With eye patch?
All others: Waah!
Rincewind: * Quiek * What are you doing here?
Rincewind: You're not so official here?
All others: * * somehow relieved
All Other: * * exchange worried glances

sat in the uncomfortable, the smoke-shrouded space largely Dwarves and humans, all of whom were members of the same caliber. The contrite faces turned towards the stranger,

Skazz: We are still in Ankh-Morpork, right?
Ponder: We can. But do not ask me where the story is.

[...] He looked around, and none of the thieves, gypsies, and professional killers could withstand his eyes that radiated a great peace and a possessive self-confidence.

Rincewind: That's not the clientele of the 'drum' or the 'bucket' ever disturbed.
Ponder: And here they sit together for the logic.
Rincewind: Which in turn also means that the guard would have to be there. Hex, Mumm commander and his troops are not in the story, right?
+ + + + + Check + + + + Negative
Rincewind: Well, otherwise we'd probably need an extra chair.

It is this view remained on Lith-like, the only one who was sitting with his back to the stranger and had not turned around to him. They are not interested in foreigners. They held on to their clients, led here and there by a theft and takes for good Money.

Rincewind: What are they then versäuft directly. Those are times values.
Skazz: Well, sort of is' the strange, the dat because the only behaves as you would normally in the 'doing bucket' or the 'drum'.
Rincewind: We call it simply Loka 'Treimel'. This would have as much to do with the other two.

But she felt the cold, piercing look in her back and clasped her beer mug tightly. Outside, she heard her horse whinny softly, which also felt the threat. "Stay calm, my little Nachtmähre" whisper Lith and then turned abruptly.

Ponder: She whispers. With her horse. This stands outside the door. And it will probably still listen. The protagonist has so probably magical abilities. But a thief. * Beer * participating
Rincewind: * raised eyebrow * A nightmare is yet ...
Ponder: Click on the disk? A 'thing'. Yes.
Rincewind: The magic thief riding a beer so ...* * participating

you looked at the Foreign direct in his eye and smiled imperiously.

Skazz: Dat behavior counts as a suicide.

[...] This has to be said that members of criminal gangs and thieves guild a friendly relationship to each other entertained [...]

Ponder: thieves guild? Majority?

With friendly relationship here is meant that they did not request to be killing each other and occasionally worked together.

Rincewind: We have a thieves' guild in the city and an assassin guild ...
Skazz: And the fools.
Rincewind: Right.

Lith [...] enjoyed great popularity but within their communities. Not because of their kindness and generosity, but rather because of their reputation to cut the throat of any who dared to take them across the table.

Rincewind: You had a reputation as the only person to do that, which makes the Diebesglde with people who are not licensed or break the rules?
Ponder: For what are we now?
Rincewind: Most likely magically gifted; The signs are not here at Wizard, witch magic, thief, who apparently their own communities, has allowed assassinate perhaps without the permission of the Assassins, the guild rules throws to the winds, and riding a creature from the dungeon dimensions.
Ponder: beer * ex *

+ + + The stranger sits next to the protagonist and a while there is silence. Then we learn that the main character knows him and has been waiting for him, because he has a new job for them + + +

Rincewind: And here I would have raised almost a presumption that the stranger 'maybe' would be Cohen, but that makes his stuff even to forgive rather than orders.

The one-eyed man grinned and pushed Lith quickly to hand a note. "If you will not slow your Nachtmähre times in exchange for a real horse? You must still be plagued by nightmares, "he said then in a conversational tone, while staring in disbelief at the piece of paper Lith.

Rincewind: * * Oi imitate the heroine, you know how difficult it actually was a hole in space-time fabric to tear, so I get the thing?

"No," she whispered. "You get used to it. DuschwarzesUngetüm stay with me and me in the truly impossible project to the side are "

Ponder. Well, at least she has named the thing after the manners of the disc.

+ + + The protagonist accepts a job as it stands at the stranger in debt + + +

Skazz: It makes so what, what they just be totally impossible designated has, because the guy you ever life or has so saved?
Ponder: Probably.
Rincewind: Please tell me that this is not a-Heh, I have rescued thee times the ass, now go and blast the world to me-plot runs out. * Drinking beer *

+ + + The stranger and the protagonist to leave the pub, which is still referred to as 'Patched bucket', and exchange latest information from + + +

said He, the order was subject to strict confidentiality , and the baggage had to leave under any circumstances in mind.

All: What luggage?

+ + + The stranger is the protagonist and rode towards the city gate + + +

This task is impossible, thought spürend it with him, the cold steel of the sword and daggers, despite the heavy lines on their fins.

All: * Head * schiefleg
Rincewind: She is naked under the coat, right?
Ponder: * blush * * * next beer ex

Nobody sneaks unnoticed into the invisible university to the greatest spell ever steal.

--- End Chapter 1 ---

Ponder: The attempt here is one to break even as a suicide.
Rincewind: Wait. Somehow I feel ripped.
Ponder: Why?
Rincewind: Well, it is to sneak in here and, presumably, that intact open again, octave ... That seems so familiar, in its fundamentals, but, heavens, I really do not know where ...
Skazz: Hey, a lot lighter ', I mean, so far as the story was, there's still the possibility dat dat whole thing in' playing in a city that just happens' nen river called Ankh has ...
Rincewind: And a tavern, whose name is composed from those of the two most notorious ....
Ponder: And where there is a magical university, quite by accident UU is also ...
Everyone: * looks * Ah exchange would be the best.

One thing was clear: the beer would not survive the next chapter.


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