title of the story: Why do not you kiss her?
Where this is related to Gammel: Fanfiktion.de
Fandom: Star Trek - Voyager
author's name: Sayuri Devil . Sounds like an omen.
The plot: Harry Kim is very dolle in a female OC and crush him. After little plot happens in a lot of time and a song from a lack of fame and dubious Quality is unwound to disaster as they come together.
Excerpts from the worst of the story:
The silence in the darkness hovered endlessly in the room. Silver Stars shine by pulling appeared, all in a shimmering light. Timeless as infinity. Little light on an operational computer system sparkled in an ethereal glow. may be
Beloved "to be a punishment: botched start. will fail to know whether one is loved is torture. "
" Loved not be a punishment. to know if they're loved, is torture. "
quotes can be wonderful. Quotes to bring in bad Songfics can be a pain. Still, it can be distressing, but if the kitsch items not even assigns its author.
Meanwhile, Ensign Harry Kim is an important job to:
sighed the young officer. He would see his parents happy again, like most others on board also. Yes, that sounds like Harry Kim, who always makes a big drama about to get back home.
But he had found some good friends here. Tom Paris, B'Elanna Torres, Vanessa O'Beck. Harry's thoughts strayed from
to the brown-haired. Vanessa. When I think of my husband, I also think always, "Hach! The blond-haired, bearded what, oh the "This is a simply a lot more natural than to connect people with names ...
He sighed again. And again. And again. In fanfictions will bear more than a sigh of common sense can. Sigh! He probably would never have the courage to tell her. For two months, his thoughts kept returning only to her.
And this is actually a verse of the whining Pimpersongs I will spare you completely. If you want to know what is kind of a whiny croon the water body of the singer, but sometimes I watch here, but be warned - It could be that you suddenly and unexpectedly makes a cruel leap back into adolescence, when the battered young pup howls into the micro and consumed in the video for any teenager bride. So, on with the text.
The silence in the darkness hovered endlessly in the room and hit the again with walls, vases and furniture . Silver Stars shine by pulling appeared, all in a shimmering light. How epic. And pointless. If we assume that the universe is of the light about as bright as the night sky, that's below 0.03 lux, or to use one of my favorite metaphors, it is about half as bright as a dead bug. A normal sunny day creates about 32,000 to 100.000 Lux Just for information. Timeless in infinity. corny even in the already overflowing trash. little light on an operational computer system sparkled in an ethereal glow. must I teach my computer too. The funzelt just boring with its illuminated USB plugs, which has installed a joker for some reason LEDs. Whether it is ethereal glow as a recognized brilliance? Weak breathing and the rustle of silken sheets, permeated the silence. The yearning moans of the sleeper came at regular intervals to be stopped for a moment the lonely silence. degree was not told that she breathes, she only moans every now and then. This would indicate Schlafappnoe when she moans only and NOT breathing. Or it makes no sense.
Venessa, the lovely toilet brush moans and thrashes on the bed sheets. A lot of drama about nothing, because there is really no logical reason why that could not do anything good to Harry.
A bright beeping disturbed the quiet of the neighborhood. Suddenly it sprang to life to jammed the closets and the toilet and the arm and ran to the next deck .
Vanessa O'Bier overslept and shuffles into the engine room, B'Elanna where they scold and threaten her with the Doctor and the Captain.
"And now they go to their work. In Jeffries tube 23 would be a pipe burst. And if not, then I let a burst as a punishment for her! "The commanding tone in his voice was hard to hear.
While Vanessa still creeps through the Jeffreysröhren, Harry sits with Tom in the casino and behaves like an adult. Or maybe not.
He always had to think back to you, and painted, without realizing it, every little heart in his mashed potatoes.
"Harry? Is something wrong? "He was Tom Paris from his Thoughts torn.
"Yes, yes. All right. "Harry said quickly, and pushed a morsel in the mouth.
"And why did it all the time little hearts painted in the mashed potatoes?", Hooked by Tom.
I do not know - you come all this dialogue, even as funny as me? How can you seriously make such a stupid question, and how does Tom Paris just to stay should be taken seriously?
Harry admits now to demand that he Klobürste O'Beck Vanessa is in love, me on reflection from the last name reminds her somehow of O'Brien.
nodded, the young Asian. Tom known as the old American haute on the thigh. That was just a real Schenkelklopfer. Oh my.
Tom announced Harry, it really would know everyone that Vanessa is in love with him (Harry) crush. Harry asks if Tom does not want him teasing.
The pilot shook his head. "Today, sometimes not. After all, today Christmas. "
is true. At Christmas, Tom had never put him in, why should it be so now do something else?
super-special awesome unnessessacry christmas surprise!
Harry los scurries to the engine room.
the way he had put back quickly. The large doors to the sanctuary of B'Elanna Torres slid to the side. And such occasions I curse myself for reading all these bad Pornobadfics to have and ask myself involuntarily B'Elanna Torres with a sliding door between the legs. ARGH! Images disappear out of my head!
He came in and let his eyes glide across the room. Everywhere at the flashing consoles were officers and played Space Invaders and Pinball , others were scanned again at the warp core or just any things
Harry asks B'Elanna, where Vanessa and injected Immediately release after he got an answer.
The brown-haired looked up as she heard the hissing sound characteristic of the locks. A young man about her age, with black hair walked into the small tube.
Oh, Chakotay is just creeping into the Jeffreysröhre to visit Janeway, here somewhere geplatzen their beloved coffee beans roasted to a plasma line. Together they now operate from the new shift rotations. Janeway and I would have probably called a dark blond. Nah, you know, of course, that it is Vanessa very determined-not-O'Brien O'Beck. It is headed by Harry trusts-are-finally-what Kim invited to dinner in the neighborhood.
Harry had thought of everything that he hoped at least. His quarters, he had decorated with Christmas garlands and a small Christmas tree he had set up and hung with balls. Okay, balls, yes. That in the hydroponic garden, but more recently cultivated Christmas trees, was new to me. Remember, you can replicate any living things, including FPLANZEN NO! So, where does it come that tree?
The food was steaming on the table and the two candles did their job well. Please a round of applause for the candles! They were a lot of effort for this Christmas dinner there!
It knocked because B'Elanna Harry electronic door detector in a fit I break-of-a-extras-the-nose carved rage had broken . [...] Vanessa came in a long red dress with spaghetti , makers and other interesting food sewn start.
Harry started to say something, but he remained at the sight, the words stuck in my throat. Let there be no awkward silence, turned to the Asian to the Christmas music he had found in the database. Determines this song here!
Then he led Vanessa to her seat and sat down also.
Neither of them spoke a word.
Finally, the ranking by Vanessa said: "Thanks again for the invitation. The food is very delicious. So, sit here by the rigid and apathetic to the area I can not really judge, but it smells not bad. "
order to make the perfect kitsch, they are now beginning to dance. Who does that? At Christmas? To "Driving home for christmas' best yet. Then they kiss and everything is happy, happy, Juppiehdu. End.
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