Title: Lucifer's children are among us
Link: www.myfanfiction.de / texte / naruto / Luciferian
Author: Dei (this time without critics) www.myfanfiction.de / profile / Dei
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: P16 Slash
Content: A village is populated by vampire-angels. A new comes to the school. Karin will disappear and no one wants to look for them ... Only one hero in Gilded armor sets for the poor thing a ...
Part 1: community.livejournal.com/verreiss_mich/4
Part 2: community.livejournal.com/verreiss_mich/4
Part 3: community.livejournal. com/verreiss_mich/42228.html # cutid1
issue Karin - Or: We construct a conflict
The author [repeats - Likely to drive up the word-count - the last part of the last chapter. I stop and start with the real new insights:]
Karin was out?
Because of this red-haired cow was made such a theater? [Damn, why is it always disappear the asshole kids that you care about her needs? Are not we all agree that the police in the future please only use is for nice people? Therefore, please let us all together again ... sigh]
Naruto sighed and leaned her head away.
[Naruto finds a whole series of spurious Excuses why he should not help Karen ... Basically it comes down it, that he does not like ... But do we not miss the next sigh:]
Minato sighed softly and shook his head.
"Naruto, it's one of us, whether you like it or not. And it is your duty to be to find and bring back. " [Because ... ... ... ... ... biscuit]
" I want what? "
[And now, must we're watching, because it follows a plotrelevante information ... after the hair has been fighting ...]
"I should look for someone who celebrates the holy kiss to a Red Blood? I do not think, rather I leave them there, where it is, as they continue to bring shame on us! " [Uh ... yeah ... I hope we find out what that means ... I mean, Naruto is still in love with himself in "Red Blood" Sakura. He also lives with "Red-Bloods" together in a village. They are his friends ... and suddenly shame they mean? Is that a stupid reference to racism in Harry Potter? But with the the author had indeed been his problems ...]
"So you think that is about your family."
Dark was the voice and the new students entered the room.
"If he does not want help, I just do it alone."
[Aha. A new person in the scene. Time for a sigh]
quietly sighed Sasuke and closed just for a moment the eyes.
But the Hokage shook his head.
"alone, it is even up to dangerous. [Oh, it's dangerous? Well, how good that we have so many ninja student available to learn the fight only in theory ... it would also reduce waste from such a dangerous mission to send a fully trained ninja time & hellip ;] You will both go and bring Karen back. And Naruto, I do not care whether you like it or not, you have to follow my orders. I say to you not as a father, but as Hokage of Konoha. "
Confused swirled around Naruto and Sasuke stared at him. The
should also search for Karin? [Naruto is an flash flag ...]
This was always worse [Normally Naruto had no prejudices against foreigners, but ... hmm ... well ... meh ... he does not want to stop
"And if I do not want me after all, you can not force them to seek" [Uh ... anyway. He has just done it abundantly clear ... "That's an order!" - We remember ...] , Naruto turned his angry father is still respected, not Sasuke clenched and angry the abil uste.
[The following is the voice of reason:] "Well, then we will go up not even looking when you disappear. The Silver Bloods are on so-young men like you who have a large flap [Vampire Killer are dependent on stupid drivel, as entertainment in their killer vampire caves to terrifying evil, silvery things to do ...] . So what is for them easy prey, "came out of Sasuke and that's before the Hokage could pronounce it [because" the fourth generation was "exactly the same wording on the lips ...] .
Sasuke This is quite cool compared to people who do not respect her family. [Oh, how he was cold! He wanted to rescue a damsel in distress, he would have in the killer-vampire cave abandoning! Sasuke containing the coldest heart of all! Maybe we should sigh again, so to round out the section:]
No matter what the reason for it was well thought and Minato sighed annoyed.
[Naruto increases quite nicely into his anger and be carried away following statement:]
"Maybe I will be looking not at all and yes, maybe I have do not feel like all that crap here! " [language he pulled away from Konoha, and opened an ice cream parlor in northern Italy ...]
Disparaging he saw Sasuke, finally pushed him aside and disappeared with banging doors from the office of his father.
"coward," it came out of the Uchiha and Naruto followed. [When we look at this sentence grammatically times, we must assume that the spoken word "coward" ... Naruto was actually a pretty picture ... But back to the interior of the space:]
Minato rubbed his temples, and could even imagine what was coming.
The Uchiha was just as stubborn as his son, which could only end in a fight. [A fight over whether to fight now moves out or not ... * gosh *]
[The following is a clumsy fist fight, which will start from Sasuke and Naruto's lost nose. A bit of blood drips, a few swear words change hands ... and then Sasuke is disappointed.]
He did not know why, but he pushed it back to a past life and it probably is knew.
"I know very well the importance of family, but I also know the rules of the Code and this forbids us that we are taking the sacred kiss only when we have regained our partners. In addition, he also says that we should not use it in a man, since they others will be poisoned, "replied Naruto snotty, was with the rules of this vampire existence very well and held them like other vampires in front again. [Naruto with a raised finger-teacher: Rule 1: Never kiss a man because this is toxic. Rule 2: Respect the family. Rule 3: If someone failed to Rule 1, Rule 2 of this enter]
"So, a stronger proof of love can man [He said," Vampire Angel "... But I wonder if the toxic kissed white man that he is now toxic and together with the Vampire Is ... If this were so, would be the complete camouflage für'n ass ... If not, the kissing vampires were pretty reckless ... After all, the poison could spread to them, yes, and Back to return ckverfolgt will not say ...] . You are nothing more than a control fan and the true meaning of love to you probably a foreign word. '[Sasuke is still disappointed and even hurt ...]
[Before evaporating Naruto, Sasuke, he explained again specifically that Karen not a man but a pleasing angel / vampire, giving now somehow not related, but good that it is even mentioned ...]
[Sasuke bores us with a bit of drivel about the true love that you can ban anyone & hellip ;]
He knew why he was defending himself not the girl that way, but he could not somehow different. Naruto stopped and looked at Sasuke.
middle of the street he fixed him with a reproachful look.
[And finally, Naruto tells us what it is all about ... It's not about killer vampires or wars in heaven. It is not about vampire politics, Camouflage, police work. It is about the tortured soul some guy:]
"You do not get it easy? Karin has long been their memories and knows her former partner. He even loves it and does what she wants. There she interned not in the least how much he is suffering from its spinners. But they still continue to accept protection. I do not want to know how you would react to such a thing! "
[In contrast to us, Sasuke seems to already know the tortured guy ... And even though he has his memories yet again ... Hey, why Kö , one can not really tell the parents, who you are? This vampire-children seem to have been born but somehow - probably thousands of years of the same old parents ... Whatever ... I understand the system life-death in this fic do not know ...]
"You mean the guy with the funny s hair and strange teeth, right? If it is their own fault, he has been running for two cycles have two tracks, "Sasuke countered and went nearer to Naruto. Appraising looked at him, grabbed him by the collar and even picked him up.
"You go to your partner but yourself strange, after all yes you are standing on the girl with pink hair. " [Naruto can indeed read the mind of this already ... Sasuke] [Naruto and justifies this desolate section is over ...]
"Oh and why do you do it every day, beautiful eyes, or how [Sasuke may be only a day in the school and has not even attend classes, but the school gossip, he knows already well off.] " , the response of the Uchiha and his low growl was initially grew louder. Blonde
This was something of his stubborn and stupid rules possessed. [Please note change of perspective!] Puzzled Naruto saw his opposite number, and wondered how he knew it. [Well, the rules he has just demonstrated abundantly clear ...]
[The two zicken on, until a paternal hand engages:]
"That gives her two stops that! "
Streng was the voice of the yellow flash of Konoha and he also saw severe over to his son. "You two will get back to Karen and it is no longer understood bitching." [In addition to sending two inexperienced Students is also useful to select two ninja who can not stand ... This promotes confidence and you need not wade into danger ... Why are the adults in these BadFics always dangers in children and adolescents send heaven knows ... or hell ...]
handed it slowly.
he talked on here in a different language, or why he did not understand this Horst? [without words.]
"I überh-..."
Naruto whirled around startled [Again such a lightning reaction Naruto ...] , saw his father angry, and wondered where it had come so quickly.
[Good advice is still given to them:]
"Do you both finally on the way and let out your anger on the Silver Bloods, and not with each other."
"Ham lekina, "Naruto grumbled, and sat down finally on the move.
Three Crosses [So it's still a Christian background, this story is basically ...] would make it if he would find Karin and brought back to Konoha.
Sasuke shook his head at Naruto and did not understand its behavior.
especially his family over there was rude, because they were specially come for this mission to Konoha. [That means Karen has disappeared for several days and no one bothered drum, it has even been kept secret so no one could report also may voluntarily ... Sasuke is not to small get here ? Why Sasuke at all? Itachi is far better determined qualified for the job? And he is one of the good in this Story ...]
The Hokage had asked for help and his family had agreed.
"Mujhe Akela cho? A Thurs Aisa hai bata Nahim aura mujhase karem bata, "said Naruto wall while looking at Sasuke and trudged on through Konoha. [Because Karin tried to find somewhere in Konoha lying around on the street ...]
Why had also come when he could not alone!
No peep came over Sasuke's lips and he walked calmly Reunion [Since when they are several Blonde?] after.
[These fact. Several Blonde talk.] had anyway no point was, Naruto's just a stubborn little child, and the true despite his age.
[Naruto wonders where to start, they should look for. Unfortunately, his limited information on the case:] His father was not a route plan or clue about their own past location. [Definitely time for a sigh]
Quiet the Uchiha sighed and just walked silently past Naruto.
This seemed to have no idea where the hiding place of Silver Bloods was, but he could think of it already.
Silver Bloods preferred hiding places, from which there was more than an escape, it was dark there, and you detect an enemy quickly could. [In short, a totally impossible place ... free vision coupled with darkness ... Pff ... But Sasuke knows better, because somehow the line of sight is then but not as important ... or the darkness ...] So
was a hiding in the woods or behind a river [Behind a river? There is, as I understand the sea ... well ...] most advantageous to them. Where Naruto
should know something, too? [He had only theory in the school ...]
He had never seen a Silver Blood and could They differ, therefore not even a Blue Blood. [Who now? Naruto or Sasuke?]
Yet he kept vigilant eyes facing forward [because it is so so unlikely that it could appear behind something ...] and at the slightest movement, he stopped and looked around.
[Sasuke Naruto complains about a ball and chain and stalks smooth as a cat ... Then they leave the village.]
you did not know exactly whether the information they had was correct and whether there really only two Silver Bloods were. If this
Sasori was still here, they had a couple had certainly no chance. [Futur Past Perfect II and one can also easily confused ...]
[We follow the translation from Catalan and the end of the chapter ...]
Ham lekina Yes but
Mujhe Akela cho? A Thurs Aisa hai bata Nahim aura mujhase bata karem-Leave me alone and so am not arguing please contact
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