It was a crappy idea to me download NEN Model Viewer * g *
I stand on it so totally together matching outfits for my characters and pretty dresses ice with me in principle on the bench. I also like leaves through the auction house in search of beautiful outfits (and although I hate clothes shopping in RL).
When I log on a twink, then I think only one thing there is for outfits that might fit, as I look right now matching outfits for a Draenei shaman and a Night Elf Hunter (suggestions will be gratefully accepted!).
enough talk, let me show you now something for me so my characters envision for outfits or what they already have (with source):
Zuljia - Simple
is my standard outfit for Zuljia. It is rather plain, but I find it very appropriate for my Zuljia.
Satin Hood Vengeful Gladiator (S3 priest helm no longer available / / Alternative: Hood of Absolution T6 priest)
simple black dress (Schneider)
Black Mageweave Gloves (Schneider)
Zuljia - Archaeology
inspired by Harrison Jones.
Weathered Fishing Hat (from daily fishing quest reward bag)
white linen shirt (Schneider)
Brown Linen Vest (Schneider)
Gefutterter belt (dealer)
Brown Linen Pants (Schneider)
Linen Boots (Schneider)
Heavy Linen Gloves (Schneider)
Raya - Simple
A simple Outfir for Orc Shaman.
embrace of the Lycans (Zul'Farrak / / Alternatives: Quest reward from the forests of Terokkar, archaeological excavation)
Ahnenrobe (World Drop / / Alternative: shaman-starting equipment)
Raya - something chic
If it's something be chic should;)
embrace of the Lycans (Zul'Farrak / / Alternatives: Quest reward from the forests of Terokkar, archaeological excavation)
Twilight Robe (World Drop)
need another riot gear for Raya = /
Panona - Pharmacists
Silver-(World Drop) [Neeed, unfortunately so far no luck in the auction house]
Himmelshexerhut (quest reward in the forests of Terokkar)
Panona - Death Bringer
The Witcher-T8 is just Pure Style! And I am glad that at least robe and helmet is to buy and I so my witch (someday) may equip it.
Deathbringer Hood of conquest (T8-Warlock)
Todesbringerrobe of Conquest (T8-Warlock)
Have I been ever in another post.
Leather Legguards (Rogue reputation PvP set)
Leather Gloves Opportunist (Rogue reputation PvP set)
Leather Helm (Rogue reputation PvP set)
Leather Spaulders (Rogue reputation PvP set)
Leather Tunic Opportunist (Rogue PvP reputation set)
Frostsavage boots (Schneider)
Green Leather Belt (leather processing)
Sword of the Warlord (Horde Level 60 PvP weapon)
sword of the High Warlord (Horde Level 60 PvP weapon)
Deacana - Ice Age
Abjurer hood (World Drop)
Glacier Vest (Schneider / / Alternative Glacial Robe - Schneider )
Glacial shoes (Schneider)
Glacial waistband (Schneider)
glacier gloves (Schneider)
Gletschergamaschen (Schneider)
glacier cover (Schneider)
Letora - Death Knight
The initial set of Death Knight - unfortunately, was me are not restored after I had the bad luck and my Account had lost to a Chinese farmer = /
Letora - Saronite set
Shiny Saronitarmschienen (Forged)
Shiny Saronite Legplates (Forged)
Shiny Saronitbrustplatte (Forged)
Shiny Saronitschulterstücke (Forged)
Shiny Saronitstiefel ( Forged)
Shiny Saronitstulpen (Forged)
Shiny Saronitgürtel (Forged)
Greatsword of the Ebon Blade (Questbelohung - are death knights start quest line)
The set's also available in red, that would be the tempered Saronitrüstung
Letora - Blutmar
Blutmarbeinplatten (World Drop)
Blutmarbrustplatte (World Drop)
Blutmargurt (World Drop)
Blutmarsabatons (World Drop)
Blutmarschulterstücke (World Drop)
blood Mars Tulip (World Drop)
Blutmarunterarmschienen (World Drop )
Min - Priestess of Light
A very nice set for priests, especially if they are not the shady company;)
Gossamer Headpiece (World Drop)
Gossamer Shoulderpads (World Drop)
Gossamer Robe (World Drop)
Gossamer Pants (World Drop)
Gossamer Boots (World Drop)
TRIZA - dark it was ...
Having found his calling in the shadow we can choose this outfit:
Black Mageweave Robe (Schneider)
Black Mageweave Boots (Schneider)
Black Mageweave Gloves (Schneider)
Black Mageweave Shoulders (Schneider)
Shadoweave Mask (Schneider )
Xhi - Amanikrieger
death mask of Amani (Dealer)
Persistent Leg Guards (Dealer)
Chestguard of the Stoic Guardian (Dealer)
Girdle of the Protector (Dealer)
bone Mittens (Dealer)
Pauldrons of the cruel fate (traders)
Zin'rokh, World Destroyer (archeology)
Alright, that's all for now, I have compiled in the final hours of Sun I still need viiiiel more outfits: D
Finally,'s even links to some very nice RP outfit blogs:
The Visual Roleplay Gear List
Kirina's Closet (here is the forum highly recommended)
It's for my RP Spec
World of Dress Craft
World of Warcraft Fashion Guru
World of Warcraft thread
The Fashionable Gnome's Guide to Fashion
Kamelia et alia
Browse Happy!
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