I am frequently been nervous while back with my alts Gilneas away from the road and type my fingers to the bone really slowly with the phrase "Hello, no I am not interested in a guild."
I can count with three requests per week. Since the guild successes, some guilds are really keen to get as many members as possible.
Partially's'm also really sorry that I must decline, and especially a guild I would have gladly accepted the invitation, but there's no point if I Twink in two months, maybe even games.
The first questions I still have kindly explained why I nobody wants to join guild. When I have a request first with my hunter and then get to the Mage, I found it quite amusing even when I did the next day but got it again with the magician, I have found the more disturbing. Particularly disturbing are
anwhispern but that a three times in one evening within a few hours with your macro. Ignore spam and are a special treat stroke it * *
Maybe I should join it to the next guild's calm? A
"We do not want a guild" guild would be quite handy: D
How good that you can post messages behind the DND:
/ dnd Please have mercy, I will in no guild
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