Title: Lucifer's Children are among us
Link: www.myfanfiction.de / texte / naruto / Luciferian
Author: Dei (this time without the critics) www.myfanfiction.de/ profile / Dei
Fandom: Naruto Rating
: P16 Slash
Content: A New comes to the school. All speaking roles are vampires and the girls could only articulate sounds of Screaming ...
Who is the New? - Or: We construct Lost in thought, a mysterious stranger
was a girl through the streets of Konoha's and she was as usual on the way to school. [This girl goes to school that is not out of the house ...]
[It is stated that, according to a new school regulation suddenly all former students, their test have already passed, again have to make a special training. Our girl here has now decided that is for a medical education and runs down the street with a sigh ...]
[your best friend Ino runs after her. The following is a trivial conversation about Inos new clothes, because one can not characterize better with a woman than with her tendency for materials ... Anyway, we come now to the latest rumor of the day:]
"And Sakura is one you already have?" she asked curiously.
Impressed Sakura saw her friend [Truly amazing how Ino has asked this question, right?] , but she was serious again [Her impressive was therefore only played ...] and saw Ino with an indefinable expression [Either Sakura does not have an honest, emotional look on his face, or the author was "impressed" next to no more occurred to adverb that can describe a facial expression to ...] .
"What is it? Naruto has about a girlfriend? " [name! The first thing you think of is if Naruto has a girlfriend! The woman is really neurotic!] asked, appalled, and all escaped from their color [indefinable expressionless] face.
"No, not as far as I know," beckoned the blonde [I've googled ... This is Ino, but because of the stupid überracht Association "something new" = "Naruto has a girlfriend" does not seem to be ... It turns out that she is also secretly crush on in Naruto, but that's just the subplot ...] again quickly.
"Today we get a new student, but not our Group, as far as I know. " [Schade, nothing excited ... This is just another story in which someone" very special "new comes to the school ...]
Makes Sakura sighed [Everywhere where it goes and stands, Sakura ...] sighs and yet she pricked her ears and scratching his mind when the question arose of a new student.
"A new? Hm ... that's strange, because even I have not heard anything about it, and as you know, I miss almost nothing else. " [Except Naruto that could possibly have a girlfriend ...]
"I've learned yesterday just by chance. In any case, yesterday, a tall man with long black hair, and then two strange wrinkles in the face was the Hokage. Funny that he was the Hokage and not with the school principal. " [what Ino had no business even with the Hokage is not explained, nor why it could not make such a detailed description of a stranger, they only very claims to have seen at random from the corner of my eye ...]
Clearly confused by scratching his head. [Apparently she has lice or bad rash ... I mean, was "they" should really be meant Sakura again, because why should Ino to scratch obviously confused on the head ...]
The guy but sweet, but it was funny that he went to the Hokage and not in school. [And even ridiculous: Why do I actually thought that the guy who goes to the Hokage, will register a new student at the school pretty quickly? What is Ino? The personal secretary of the Hokage? I also want to again deep on the presentation the female characters point: It is obviously extremely important to note that the guy "sweet" is ...]
A man with wrinkles?
warped older and Sakura just so her face. [Yuck! Old people! Who lost in Ninja-Comics of course not! Is so disgusting!]
"Strange, normal to enroll new students at Tsunade-sama and not in Minato," surprised even Sakura [which was famous for its credulity. But even she begins at the third mention of this oddity to wonder ...]
"Maybe Naruto know [just to mention to him again incoherently ...] even closer," ü unreflected them on loudly and looked around for this. [She is suffering that is under the delusion that they pursued Naruto always and everywhere, especially when it can feed its name again in disjointed conversations ...]
"Do you ? " It came out of Ino and held himself out for the blonde whirlwind [Maybe this is a matter of taste, but this word is preparing to vomit - in connection with a figure that has not even been properly introduced in the story ...] . Perhaps the new school with him would be quite possible. [And perhaps the new students, a vampire who is descended from Had a couple of fallen angels ... possible ...]
[Then, even speculated that the new Naruto's secret affair may be Kö nnte, or EVEN a friend ... But let's think logically: Konoha is a village. The young people there should be more or less all know, especially if there is only one school. Will see a new, it is usually a stranger whom nobody knows. How can Naruto be a secret affair, which he has been for years? I am simply the connection between "The New" = "Naruto's affair" can not see clearly ...]
[Ino and Sakura Naruto with a few minor characters are and push them even just to the side ...]
" Good morning, Naru-chan ", she gushed [Sakura] sweetly that Kiba would almost puked [Yes, yes, too many sweets spoil the stomach ... But Kiba seems to me to be a likeable person ...] .
Shino rolled his eyes and Naruto only wanted, as so often [But sometimes ... sometimes yes, because he wanted a ... ... ... ... ... ... ... not so good morning!] , even a good morning.
self Ino rolled her eyes already. [These characters can nothing but sigh, or the eyes roll ...]
[And then she thinks about the types of hot yesterday with the black eyes ...]
sighed softly [!] saw Ino and Sakura again heru calcd
It was so obvious that the two were together.
sighed softly [!] the blonde and marched to the others and greeted them.
surprise so early to meet Ino saw this Naruto aghast. [Is not like that Ino has just arrived with Sakura ...]
[Naruto wonder, then, why Ino is so early on, where else but she always comes too late ...]
Outraged Ino looked at the whirlwind [Da! There it is again! My Kotzgefühl!] Konoha's place and its allusion more than inappropriate. [Do not you think I would have denied a witty play on words! Naruto has just asked why it is so early because ...]
How cheeky Naruto yet again and was hoping they wanted the new was not so [Why does everyone with Naruto in the new do! Are there any other young people at this school, are interesting in some way?] .
[Ino Naruto so just ask for something new ...]
Naruto laughed softly indignant because the face of the blonde [why they will be outraged by their own question, not mentioned ...] , but then he became serious and ruffled through his hair.
[Naruto seems to know nothing about it.]
be how Naruto did not know, but could not. The blond
concealed them something, but what?
Confused stared at Ino and Naruto thought him not a word.
"Well, as his father apparently or his brother [or his uncle or his cousin ... We already know of course that it is the brother, but let the pseudo-exciting times of confusion unfold ...] were yesterday with your dad and talked about the school [Yoda learned grammar at you!] . Do not you find something unusual. "
" Oh, a brother who also? [or father or cousin or uncle ...] Well, what do you know everything! You seem to know more than I, "gave to Naruto and Ino threw a prophetic view.
I [ now say sometimes Hint: It's in Sasuke, who was notified by his brother Itachi at the school. The two are white vampire-angel and look for the "heart of the devil", which is owned by Naruto.]
[Apparently Naruto wants something, but hide it, or do not spill the beans in front of everyone ... Amazing how all other people have done so quietly, while Ino and Naruto were talking ... I had almost forgotten ...]
grin stretched Naruto Ino tongue out.
"Do not be offended again. A snout is the one you do not, and others give these folds, "he teased her and turned away at last.
[Naruto disappear, where he pretends to go the library, with the intention that Ino follows him.]
"I'm going to make me even more quickly and absolutely fresh, we'll see you in class." [So today was Ino so early in the school, she has not washed today morning after getting up and just wants to catch up in school ... or stop ... Is this just a bad red herring?]
ran fast Ino to Naruto, retained But distance, so it does not immediately noticed.
What they had to discuss now had to see, no one [And do not listen, I suppose ...] .
"So Naruto, who is the New?" She asked, staring directly at him coolly.
"The new as we are a Blue Blood, and is also dependent on a powerful vampire clan. My father seems to know him, as both seemed to be very familiar. They even talked about old times, but when I was added, two were silent and did so as they would know not yet " [Fascinating. Ino was there. Naruto was there. Everybody saw what. Only today they have missed her.]
[Ino is a bit astonished stares and stupid in the area around ...]
She had never heard of a vampire clan, had black eyes. [Then it may well not so famous, or notorious clan, right? Why does it always have to actually be clans? Immortal beings should not reproduce!]
That was really amazing, especially since this clan has tried to hide. [I thought all vampires are hiding? And they had never heard of it and finds it the surprisingly then, because they are hiding? I think the logic is precisely fitted into a "Holzpflog" gone ...]
"We can really use the help now, this is finally a Silver Blood was spotted close to Suna."
Sasori had been sighted?
Naruto Ino swallowed once and saw in horror.
"I thought we had destroyed all of the Silver Bloods [Come on ... They're immortal! Impossible to destroy!] . [There is strong help needed: there is the name "Michael" and the clan gets a name: "Uchiha" ... But these minor details only hinder the stereotype-free, detailed presentation of additional, female characters:]
Yet it was a horde of screaming girls him sit up and he turned around curiously. There were actually
Tenten, Hinata and Temari and screamed for a boy.
Not even when he himself had tested it such a rebellion, and therefore it probably had to be someone who ... But of course, that this had to be new, had spoken of the Ino [And from which he also speaks all the time, remember?] .
[Ino is worried about Silver! Sasori, of which she had actually thought that he had been killed by father Garaas ...]
[The girls continue to shriek and Ino Naruto pulls forward to the also to gape at the New ...]
on the court [I thought we're in the Biblitothek ... And the other had gone into the classrooms ... Obviously a mistake.] she stopped as if struck by lightning and stared at the young man who slowly came closer to them.
[It A description of Sasuke and his eyes.]
This guy was hot, even if you had liked the other better.
But still, this Uchiha looked more like a real vampire, as they knew from her stories.
[Naruto is not as enthusiastic about Sasuke. Only the eyes, he finds fascinating ...]
Everything else was zero eight fifteen and also resembled in some respects, Sai.
"What the screaming so? So great is not, "Naruto grumbled quietly and did not understand the reactions of the women really are.
"Really Naruto, are you jealous about?" Ino grinned and chuckled softly as Naruto pulled a pout offended [Caution! This makes wrinkles!] .
Nevertheless, they saw the boys interested and stated that he was coming closer to them. [This is what people so itself, the move towards a goal ... forgotten in our case, the school or the library ... or the school playground ... or the classroom ... I have, where we were just hingebeamt again.]
[ Sasuke then waddles past them.]
"I envy and, as you must be joking!" said Naruto quietly outraged and more automatically feeds back when this new past them, and it was also still looking at her.
Funny guy, he thought, however, blocked the idea for other [I interpret that now just as information that vampires can transmit thoughts and read ...] and turned back to Ino.
[The two go in, while Ino finds the new pretty scary, but it is a vampire himself ...]
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