After as an addict can click every day this page to read bad reviews, I feel like sometimes get even write one. I hope my first attempt succeeded.
title of the story / series: midnight Track
Fandom: Bis (s)
name of the criminal author: wichtelfee
botched start: So Bella and Jacob go to the Bethel-Tate High School in Alaska
By formal errors or naja by sau stealing from Bella she has to share the room with Jakob
boys in residence,
The boring Plot: Bella and Jacob are brothers and sisters and want to go to a high school in Alaska. You're moving, find that they live with Edward and Emmett in a Wohung, bla bla.
positive to note: The spelling and grammar is not as bad as it is to the preface might suggest.
noted Negative: logic is missing, the reasons are missing. The usual.
Excerpts from the worst of the story: We were barely out the door, I was almost thrown to the ground. I looked at in a few brown eyes quick end in a face included the incident to me.
Preface or: senseless comments of the author
Bella and Jacob to go out on a high school in Alaska and share a room there in the dorm, is to blame: the sau stealing from Bella. Actually, they have to share the bathroom (Yes, now what for?) namely with Edward and Emmett the other 2 rooms in the flat (Note to myself: Residence mutate into flats) inhabit
Edward of course is the hottest type of the entire school and love can be in the seemingly mysterious Bella, who rebuffed him, however.
Well Bella registered (* beep * * beep *) Edward somehow:) But she feels that there is any mystery with the roommate is all about. Your curiosity is aroused. Can they solve the mystery? And she will return his feelings? What is this? GZSZ? Forbidden love? Here's so funny songs in front of each chapter?
Yes, I know there are tons of stories already in this situation, but I was just
also look for it * hehe * (I think it's also very funny .. hahaha ..)
After a few comments on the characters and a Nietzsche's poem starts then sometimes the story at:
Chapter 1
or family ties, we sometimes throw everything into a pot, stir and make all happy.
last two places were (but only just two!) free on the Bethel-Tate High School. That would certainly demand that we to Bethel / would take Alaska, but it was worth it. Our bags were already packed ready (because we in the event that exactly two places are free, have lived a long time from the top) and now I was sitting with my brother on the plane on the way to Alaska .
Mommy Swan is not thrilled that her two baby move so far and has made them hot in recent months to hell. Bella and Jacob still want to later go to college in Alaska and for this they must first four years on this very high school. Or so. Not make sense. I also needed this change of scenery. Two years had passed since I had this accident, I had to get out easily. Everything was so overwhelming. (.. Uaaaaah burst, a mysterious accident before we give Bella a little curiosity and compassion handkerchief.)
Anyway, Mom was really a theater. We did not yet left the planet .. tze. (! But real ey)
It was not even Mommy alone because: Billy was her new husband Charlie and her EX. But somehow they all lived together still. The two then help so very dolle move house.
Who are we?
So there would be even my brother Jacob Black (Jake) and 15years twice I Isabella Marie Swan (Bella) 16years. Jacob is the son of Billy and my Dad is Charlie, but our Mom is Rene. Mom had ne Liaison (uhuuuuu! Pöhse!) divorce with Billy during her marriage to Charlie and the result was Jacob, well 1 year after their wedding, they could be due to its back. (Seems none of it was so hard to be ..) Since Mom is together with Billy, whom she adores. Since she still loves Charlie but also (They probably can not decide or just want to be absolutely adored by two men. .. Or they would not care Oh. Why look for reasons?) and mine Mom and he forgave Billy (because cookie!) they still live together forever. I honestly could not. But with my Dad, Billy and Reneé it works great.
The two then fly to Alaska, high school is in Bella's eyes really wonderful and they set out to search for the Secretariat: "I do not know, Bella. I guess we must search for it or ask someone. " (or simply confused and disoriented walking around on campus to stop. Or and wait until we are picked up.)
as it may. Among other things, we had opted for the High School because there were really many sports offerings, but also music and languages. Jacob had signed up for art and sport and I for music and sports. (Because yes Bella is also a sports fan so and never hurt at all by accident.) languages, we were both busy.
Bella says she used to be very uncoordinated, but was now no longer is so clumsy. Her body, however, still not quite over super mega great because: But No Body is perfect.
Bellalein drives felt 25 sports, Jacob a little less, but now he is artistically gifted, yes.
perceived After an eternity, we finally found the administration building and when we came to the door we saw already the Secretariat (of horror. Or so. And so the next chapter) .
Chapter 2
bureaucracy and whatever else happens or: From chocolate cookies and quick faces
I knocked on the door and we entered. We saw a lobby, like a hotel lobby in (Edel! High School!) was only here the Thresen quite cluttered (with colorful paper helicopters, Minieinhörnern, chocolate biscuits and small deer) . A woman, estimated late 20s mid-30s sat at the bar and tried with one of the paper helicopters to wipe the chocolate Schnute and looked at us guiltily on.
"Hello, my name is Isabella Marie Swan and this is my brother Jacob Black. We want to pick up our schedules and room key welcome chocolate biscuits . "
" Yes, we have been waiting for you on two Specialsues . Unfortunately long so that I get very hungry on the cookies "said the woman was, according to their name tags Jeanna Skopy.
The two now live in a so 2-room apartment. the two-bedroom with living area next and 2-bedroom. Right with living area added. The bathroom must be shared with Emmett and Edward.
Well, it still is a problem:
"Uh," everything I did not get out.
"Mrs Skopy ...?"
"Yes, dear?"
"So, um," I stammered to her. "If you still have some cookies left over?"
"I thought girls and boys sleep in separate houses here ..."
"Yes, my love, do they also" "Why, my dear, you think so much?"
"And then why do I live with my brother?"
"If they have not noticed, "I smiled at her.
"I'm a girl Male! Bella ."
Skoppylein frantically digging around in her files, compares the Bella, who appears before her with her files and then comes to a - I can not even really decide - shattering or surprising result:
"You're definitely a girl" I laughed. (bämm * * This was the sound of my head on the table. If it looks very closely, you might even think that this says to Bella Skoppy, but Well ..)
On Bellas Registration is supposedly the name of Joel Levin and under this name, she was assigned to the boy dormitory. Small box to tick if you are male or female, were probably not yet invented .. In the glasses now looks even Skoppy that there Isabella Marie Swan is. As can be Joél Levin and where the accent is, I'm not quite clear .. someone volunteered to check the logic?
Now comes the most evil of all bad news for Bella:
"Unfortunately, house full of girls, and only place in the boys dorm." (Natürlich. another. . There are also volunteer your chocolate biscuits)
Skoppy calm Bella, however: The Cullens would anyway all day long, lazy, lying around in bed, because they only have evening classes. Ahja. So should hardly notice that there lives a girl in her apartment. What is also very important, after all, Bella is against the rules:
This is prohibited by school rules. You must be careful also. Visits are welcome but should appeal to someone on it;. They just say they visit their brother " (If you already eats up the unauthorized visitor chocolate cookies, then take all other rules probably not so serious ..)
The both go into their apartment and it follows that once a detailed list of all the objects in it. Quite noble set das Ganze.. Aber es ist ja auch für zwei Specialsues gedacht, jaja. Im Badezimmer befindet sich unter anderem Folgendes: ein Wärmeschrank für nasse Klamotten oder Handtücher . Muss man das kennen?
Sie ziehen nun also in ihre !Luxuswohnung! ein und beschließen dann den Campus zu erkunden. Bella zieht ein unglaublich tzeksy Outfit an (Eine schwarze Hose, schwarz-weiß-gestreiftes Shirt mit rotem Kussmund und schwarze Turnschuh) und als sie draußen sind, treffen sie auch schon auf Leah und Seth:
Kaum waren wir aus der Tür raus, wurde ich schon fast zu Boden gerissen. I saw a few brown eyes, the quick end in a face (a quick of face? the target squealing hot ? Quiek Quiek * * A pig's face also.) included the incident to me.
"Oh Bella, you're finally there." (It speaks! The pig can talk!)
"Hey Leah" (and it has a name!) , I am pleased to see you too. They laughed at me slyly, took me in his arms and hugged me. (What can pigs so ...) Seth was on her side (As pigs Body Guard) and grinned at us. "Hey Bella," he greeted me.
"Hi Seth," I said and before I knew it I was already in his arm. (This is so fast ..) wondering
pig and her bodyguard that Bella must live in the boys dorm. As is the language to her two roommates,'s is suddenly very exciting:
"Oh my God," cried squeaked Leah. What had she suddenly.
"What do you cry so" their Eyes had assumed a very peculiar gloss while she was looking for the lost question mark.
because of the excitement
"The [Edward] is the swarm of girls here. But would any girl kill pig "said Leah. "That may be so, but that to me is kind of matter
(pigs have no chance against Sues!)
It has become suddenly dark, all (fr) eat something and go then sleep.
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