Title: Lucifer's children are among us
Link: www.myfanfiction.de / texte / naruto / Luciferian
Author: http://www.fanfiktion.de/u/Dei-der+Kritiker Dei critics
Fandom: Naruto Rating
: P16 Slash
Content: A village is populated by vampire-angels. A new comes to the school. Karin disappear and Naruto and Sasuke they should look. It is gezickt and fought and then there is a twilight scene of plagiarism ...
Part 1: community.livejournal.com/verreiss_mich/4
Part 2: community.livejournal.com/verreiss_mich/4
Part 3: community.livejournal. com/verreiss_mich/4
Part 4: community.livejournal.com/verreiss_mich/43673.html
can die You could have - or we construct a hazardous situation
[The author copied about 400 words from the last chapter before it goes on ... Whatever the reason ...]
[We begin with other, trivial Gezicke. Naruto can be thought over in Catalan respond aggressively grow and Sasuke:] "Yaha apa ha holiya, mere se sira mem Phira Carca manipulates? apa kara rahe haim mauta aura. "These words came softly on the lips of the Uchiha and he had already moved in a Naruto Kunai and pressed to the throat. [And Naruto Remember the flash has not noticed it again ... But Sasuke has been a long time around here so and considers him the kunai to the immortal vampire-angel-artery ...]
He hated it when someone in his head wanted to enter such a particularly heavy vehicle as Naruto. " [Naruto babbles something in his gibberish, because:] This could him anyway, not harm, only wounded and not killed.
"Apa taraha eka ki bhi nahi kamazora meresira mem kucha? Khoya hai. . Khasakara isali'e murkhata sankramaka hai " [This rate is now worth, that he was translated on the spot:" A weakling like you, has nothing lost in my head. Especially because stupidity is contagious "... I hope that I can not get the dozen readers lose ... I assure you all if stupidity is hereditary, not contagious]
Sasuke slowly pulled the kunai away and turned away!.
He had no desire to talk more with the boys [or exchange ideas ... Slowly, he remarked that, at the set position weird shapes assumed that seemed to lead only to contagious stupidity back ...] , this had no sense anyway.
Sasuke schottete his mind completely for Naruto from [Oklumentik!] and this would also now remain for now. "Baka," Naruto growled softly, also accelerated its pace [in the hope Sasuke to depend on the Go ...] and had no desire to look with such an arrogant idiot to continue to Karin. [In fact he had no desire to seek even to Karin ...]
"I'll go on alone. Do you know what you want, but I will certainly not continue to work with you! " [For suddenly found out that Sasuke but not so keen on the mission and the family's honor was all the more for Naruto more ...] , he turned again to Sasuke and then disappeared into the tree crowns. [Oh ... that move vertically ... Good to know ...]
No response came from Sasuke and he went [climbed? What now?] silent on his way.
The mission, he would have done better from the beginning alone, it would he probably had long back. [because he is not Naruto at warp speed would have to move and this has scared away with his stupid drivel all the spare pieces of silver ...]
should fall But this Naruto quietly on the snout, which would do him good .
Naruto alone was moving much better and faster in particular. [What you see from the fact that Naruto, who has accelerated his pace now ... far above him walk?]
[There was a change of perspective, which is beaten into us with a baseball bat. Naruto thinks basically the same Sasuke about how the over him ... But then:]
"Why, what's that for a small Pissnelke is," It was a laugh from the treetops and a scythe with three blades just missed the blond .
"Hey Kakuzu, look what I've found a cute little Blue Blood." [Blue Bloods have that is available on the forehead, that they are blue-bloods ... But can
[Naruto dodges and gives way at once profound thoughts. What are these only for Types? Not blue, that would not speak evil of their peers, not red, do not know that there are blue. Gelbblüter? Grünblüter? Beigeblüter? ... Naruto can only guess:]
As the talking, they were both Silver Bloods, and thus the enemy.
"Where is Karen, what did you do with it?" Growled Naruto softly and kept a watchful eye on them. "Well, what a clever fellow," came out of Hidan [His name, of course, everyone involved is aware ... Silver-Blood have probably also be on the front ...] and his partner shook his head. "What you been interested in someone of the rules are not followed? For you is so someone worth nothing! " [Wow ... Karin's shame has fairly rumgesprochen far ... But what's left that nasty pieces of silver for village gossip there ... ... ...]
Dark was the voice of masked men with his yellow eyes, he stared at the blonde. [Which of the two now is the "Masked" is, is not mentioned, but he seems to have a liver problem ...]
[Naruto, the ninja with the theoretical training attempts, the silver pieces to chat dead. Well, at least he is now, that Karin is one of them still and that was reason enough ... blah.]
The two laughed and Hidan took his scythe back on a rope. [Is Fandomtypisch? Is that a harpoon-Sense?]
[Instead of continuing the fighting gelabert ...]
already wide grin Hidan jumped out of a tree and landed right in front of the [two?] blonde. [in a lower tree crown ...]
"Well you Kackstrumpf pitch, but we do it . Keep It is quite useful for us. [She bakes us cookies, cleans the silver disc cavity, polished silver cutlery, silver fish breeding, washes the Kackstrümpfe ...] "Kackstrumpf Kackstrumpf had just said to him? [Yes ... and this shocks us just like Naruto ... What the Luzi a Kackstrumpf ... vampire angels have no toilets?]
Naruto clenched his fist and swung, hit this way pliers [for plumbing crafts ...] into face, and growled. [This chapter is less sighed and growled more ...]
[There is still no fighting. Hidan and Naruto Wortklauber blabber and that the FIC gives unprecedented lengths to Naruto hops on the ground ... For tactical reasons, because of lower positions ... uh ... can in this Fic ... better fight ... ] "
Only a hilarious giggle came from the other and he was followed by Naruto. [unfortunately is not clear who and where is Sasuke Naruto sequel that actually somewhere around here would have to walk on the way ... but he's certainly back at home ...]
He would now have fun again and enjoy sipping with the blood of a fellow species. [vampire blood is in fact more nutritious than human blood ... There is ever a digestive system of the nutrients over it ... It's like twice sieved sand ...]
[We know that Naruto is going and sealed by the forest runs and no break begrudge:]
Would he have this [conditions for even Ninja prescribed working hours ...] , it would be easy prey and the search for Karin was a shocking end. [Well ... not so bad also ... He is semi-immortal ...]
But Hidan had long since seen through the strategy of the blonde. [Running Wild and blindly through the dense forest ...]
He soon appeared before Naruto and banged
[There is a bloody scratches and it follows further babble ...]
"Tzeee ~ ... before I give up, I lay me sleep better myself. This would even my blood for you unfit and would poison you! "Naruto shook his head and gave the side with a jump from the next blow. [We note: People are toxic if they are kissed by vampires. Vampires are toxic when they sleep ... must always be hot all poisonous. Could not something be sweet as honey and vitamin-rich]
[it turned out that the types are part of the ominous Sasori and even more people - of course, completely unnoticed by the Village's population - have kidnapped ...]
"Who?" Naruto growled softly, wanted to know who they still had everything and for their sick [not further differentiated] plans abused.
"Do not worry you see them again soon [Probably not if he can kill him the same ... unless he had also killed the other, but then Karin would not be more" useful " ...] , "came from Hidan and he took the next shot from [A Rauchbömbchen explodes and a steady hand pulls away Naruto. It Sasuke, is the * * Flupp Karin has brought to safety ...]
where Sasuke was now her so suddenly? [Well, he is with warp speed through the forest, everything has been looking for Karin, she found, quickly brought to the village and back and then came here to save Naruto ... But Naruto just wants to express only that he had everything under control and would have needed no help ...]
liked Sasuke Naruto had just returned to the Cloud pushed. But something
[the BadFic-Logic?] in him forbade him to that and so he listened in silence the bleating [referring to the "something"] .
[ wore it on the poor
he had brought back long ago, and he had come back just because of Naruto. [You see? Warp Drive!]
Naruto grumbled once again to let it stay and then did not resist anymore [ worn on hands and romantic way
the village Sasuke was the blond just fall [shit! He has worn it really! Why I now have pictures of poor teenage vampire film in mind?] saw and cold on the boy.
[The Hokage appeared from nowhere and makes sure that another pointless conversation is interrupted ...]
"What were you thinking of Naruto only wanted to die, do you?"
Displeased Minato went to his son.
His child would have died [Uh ... no ... it would have only a long sleep and had been held then be reborn as a child ...] and that only because he once again not thinking.
"You have not even notice that up the guy has marred rookie"
Mockingly saw Sasuke in Naruto, pointing to the scratches.
had some greenish veins of the blond to the wound stained [Now he is a vampire-angel-Vulcan ...] and Naruto would have moved too much, then he probably would have succumbed to the poison. [Native knew Sasuke, because he had studied Giftologie and knew exactly which weapons they fought pieces of silver ...]
"How I shall die if I'm a vampire? Only in some eighty years, I will die, but not before, and certainly not a scratch! "Naruto replied stubborn. He [had never heard of "Poison" and green blood seemed somehow sexy. The calculation of the vampire life expectancy, I leave this time people with calculators ... I is too high.]
What should at all, since when he would die from a scratch?
They were invulnerable and that until her [immortal] death.
So what should these words?
[Naruto is just a flash Marker!]
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